Try and try again
Thanks girls!
It's funny but I do honestly think I just look fat in that pic whereas in the mirror I think I do look pregnant... might try wearing something else.
Well I think I must have hit a turning point. Had a TERRIBLE night's sleep last night, tossing and turning all night and just a plain refusal to sleep
BUT I don't actually feel too bad this morning (hope I'm not saying this prematurely) which means the tiredness/ exhaustion is hopefully getting better (or dare I say it, might even be gone!) :cross:
Had a lovely lunch out for Mothers Day yesterday -
Starter: Fishcakes with soy sauce and rice vinegar dips
Main: Salmon with a pancetta, clam and laverbread butter, served with new potatoes and all Sunday veg
Dessert: (naughty girl
) Strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake with a chai tea syrup and clotted cream
Hubby got me a lovely mothers day card, and MIL got me some lovely tulips.
Did have a bit of a cry in the morning with all the mothers day messages on facebook as I'm realising more and more now how much I miss my Mum and how sad I am that she never got to see her grandchild.
Had a lovely day though and the first restaurant visit for our baby niece!
Foodwise this week - we're only actually at home tonight and tomorrow so that will consist of using up anything that needs eating. Wednesday we're travelling down to the Isle of Wight to visit my Dad, but we're going quite late so will have to grab tea to eat on the train, and we're not back until Sunday.
My Dad's having an op on his knee on Friday so the idea was for us to go down and help him out, but hubby couldn't get any time off work next week
, so means we're going down more before the op
, never mind will be nice to see him as we haven't been down since beginning of December.
Hope you all had a nice weekend x
It's funny but I do honestly think I just look fat in that pic whereas in the mirror I think I do look pregnant... might try wearing something else.
Well I think I must have hit a turning point. Had a TERRIBLE night's sleep last night, tossing and turning all night and just a plain refusal to sleep
BUT I don't actually feel too bad this morning (hope I'm not saying this prematurely) which means the tiredness/ exhaustion is hopefully getting better (or dare I say it, might even be gone!) :cross:
Had a lovely lunch out for Mothers Day yesterday -
Starter: Fishcakes with soy sauce and rice vinegar dips
Main: Salmon with a pancetta, clam and laverbread butter, served with new potatoes and all Sunday veg
Dessert: (naughty girl
Hubby got me a lovely mothers day card, and MIL got me some lovely tulips.
Did have a bit of a cry in the morning with all the mothers day messages on facebook as I'm realising more and more now how much I miss my Mum and how sad I am that she never got to see her grandchild.
Had a lovely day though and the first restaurant visit for our baby niece!
Foodwise this week - we're only actually at home tonight and tomorrow so that will consist of using up anything that needs eating. Wednesday we're travelling down to the Isle of Wight to visit my Dad, but we're going quite late so will have to grab tea to eat on the train, and we're not back until Sunday.
My Dad's having an op on his knee on Friday so the idea was for us to go down and help him out, but hubby couldn't get any time off work next week
Hope you all had a nice weekend x