Sarah's 1st baby pregnancy diary

Thank you. I'm feeling good now, I think it helps when I've got more energy.

Here's my scan pic


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Your scan pic looks lovely. Hope your well.
Hi sarah glad to hear your pregnancy is goin well hun! What a lovely clear scan pic. how exciting to find out what you are having when you do give birth :D lol!
Thanks girls!
Still not had my scan date through yet, hopefully will be there when I get home tonight.
Made a discovery yesterday - pregnancy and hot London tube journeys do not match!
I don't know how women in London do it everyday commuting! One day was enough for me...
Although I do have another London meeting next week, and another middle of June so it's all fun!
I was ok when it was really hot in April over the bank holidays, but I think it's stuffy hot I can't handle.
Oh and my energy has officially disappeared today - I walked into town and back lunchtime (walk is 15mins including a bridge to walk over there and back) and I am EXHAUSTED. Very strange... only explanation I can think of is that I'm quite tired after my long London day yesterday, plus it was quite warm and humid which didn't help.
Just want a shower now, but need to wait until 6pm before I can!
Well... a little shopping update!!

Somehow over the last couple of days we have managed to get nearly everything we need for the baby!

First of all we went to a leisure centre table top sale on Saturday, which ended up being a baby-specific one, and I picked up some total bargains - all of which I would have bought brand new. I reckon we probably saved over £150. My haul includes:
Graco Travel cot - £5
Tomy baby carrier - £10
Mothercare vibrating bouncer - £5
Jungle play gym - £5
Avent micro steriliser - £5
M&S teddy nightlight - £2.50
Bump support band - 50p
2 swaddle blankets - £1
Lion sensory toy - £3
ELC Jungle skittle toys - £2

Wowee I was amazed at how much we bought and more-so how much we paid!!

Then today I have just ordered the pram and car seat :eek:
We went for the Mothercare My4 - had a bit of a 'test drive' on Friday and really liked it, plus Mothercare have a special offer on at the mo - £20 off every £100. So for the pram and a maxi-cosi car seat, we managed to pay £420 instead of £520.

We weren't going to buy the pram or car seat until July-August but with an offer like that we couldn't resist!!

So we've only got the furniture and some bits to get now and we're sorted!!

Hope everyone's doing ok today and had fab weekends!!
I find your pregnancy ticker at the bottom very interesting .. each week seeing how the Baby is progressing and the size she / he is getting ...... Keep up the posts !! x
Thanks hun - I know a banana this week!! I can remember when it was a poppyseed... how things change!!

I think I'm definitely starting to feel the baby now, every now and then I get a little prod feeling or more bubbles and it's happening more often when I'm not even thinking about it. Nothing strong so I almost think I'm imagining it... but I think it's there!!

More shopping this lunchtime (I've clearly caught the bug now!), nosey at the Primark baby section, first time I've looked. Spent just under £25 on:
1 tog summer sleeping bag
Hooded cuddle towel
Scratch mits
Teething toy
Reversible blanket

They've got loads and loads of babygrows and sleepsuits - so reasonable. But I resisted as we've been given loads already. Once I've washed them all I'll have a proper look to see if we need anything else but I think we're ok...
Wow you've bought so much for soo little, I hope I manage to get some bargains like that. Hope you manage to fond some more when you get the furniture.
I cannot wait to feel my baby move I keep lying still and trying to see if I can feel anything yet but sadly can't. I am only 13 weeks this week so I know it's still early, and my husband said I'll be fed up of all the kicking and prodding when I do start to feel my baby.
Take care
I cannot wait to feel my baby move I keep lying still and trying to see if I can feel anything yet but sadly can't. I am only 13 weeks this week so I know it's still early, and my husband said I'll be fed up of all the kicking and prodding when I do start to feel my baby.

I'm sure you'll never get fed up of it when it starts!!

Don't get too impatient in case like me you're waiting a while!! I know from about 16 weeks I was getting really impatient... and I'm still not really feeling much (if anything at all - I could still be imagining it :rolleyes:)

Hubby's upset he can't feel anything from the outside yet... so I hope we don't have to wait too long for that.

Feeling pretty 'normal' today - not feeling sick, or tired. Had a nice walk into town and treated myself to some new shoes!
Trust me you won't get fed up of baby moving, I love it and I think it is the best part of pregancy. My baby seems so active with it's movements, hehe
I really wish I could feel the baby more - I noticed a few bits of what I thought was movement yesterday, but not really anything today.

I can't wait to feel proper kicks, just hope it's sooner rather than later as if they haven't come by the time I hit 24 weeks I'm going to get really worried
It will come, you already their it will just increased amounts - It happened that way for me. Don't worry though things will sort themselves out when the timing is right. I have a problem with my baby being on it's side when I have scans, grr little bugger.
I hope mine behaves on Thursday - I will be very embarassed if the baby's not in the right place again!!

I'm hoping they'll talk me through the scan results on Thursday too as they didn't at all at the original one.
Hi, did the scan go well, and was it all explained to you? How are you feeling too? X
The scan was fab - baby was in the right place.
Still didn't get anything explained to me but I guess that just means everything was fine??

On another note, on Thursday morning before my scan I decided to take a tumble down the stairs - not a happy bunny :mad:
So obviously I was relieved as anything to have my scan that day to check everything was ok with the baby, but boy am I hurting.

I've done 'something' to my coccyx - no idea what though. Doc said they can't xray me, or give me anything so just to take paracetomol (which don't do anything), so I've just got to wait for it to get better. It's much better than it was - I was having such trouble getting up and down and moving about, now it's not so bad, just quite painful to sit on. I really hope it gets better soon... I'm going on hols in 2 weeks so it needs to be better by then!!

On the plus side, I've started feeling the baby move properly (I think!!), feels kinda like small prods, and just general movement. I LOVE it!!! :D
Can't wait to be able to feel it from the outside now... or rather hubby can't wait!

Got a crazy weekend ahead - we're having a skip delivered Saturday (delayed from last weekend due to my fall) so we're going through and chucking out LOADS. Then the following Friday we're having our old furniture taken away to a charity collection by the British Hearth Foundation, and all our new furniture delivered.
Eeeek I can't wait!! So much to do though.
Once this is done we can decorate the nursery and all we'll have left to do then is get the baby's cot and a chest of drawers for the nursery.

Time is running away fast - realised yesterday I've only got 12 full weeks left in work!! And that's ever as I'm being made redundant while I'm on mat leave

Hope you're all doing ok xx
Oooh hope your bum feels better soon, my mum fell and broke her coccyx, I was only young when she did it and had to phone work for her to tell them why she wouldn't be in, I told them she broke her cervix though, her boss couldn't stop laughing at me lol

It's good to hear your scan went well and all's well after the fall. Do you know what you're having or are you waiting 'til it comes?
Ha ha love your story!!
Still very sore but got to just get on with it!

No we didn't find out... Hopefully it'll be something to keep me going through labour!!