I am stingy aren't I??
I think it's a psychological thing - I have lots and lots and lots of clothes at home. Unfortunately only a small amount fit me as they range from size 12 upwards. So in my head I can't justify spending money on more clothes if I've already got lots (even if they don't fit).
BUT over the bank hol weekends we've vowed to have a major sort out of everything in the house ready to start decorating and shopping for the baby.
This will include me chucking/donating all the clothes that don't fit me, apart from any really nice pieces. I do plan on getting down to a 12-14 post baby (same plan I had pre baby to be fair!), but I guess I'll just have to get new clothes if that happens as I can't just keep tons of clothes that don't fit!
Oh and I have a bit of a fear of ebay too - one of my friends had an unfortunate experience and I've avoided it ever since... but maybe I can ease myself in if I find a maternity swimsuit...