Sarah's 1st baby pregnancy diary

It's gorgeous - quite vintage with the lace! I really like it.
Is it a maternity dress because it doesn't look like it.
Are you wearing a veil or a fascinator in your hair? What are your shoes like?
Thank you, I love it being simple as well :)

I am wearing a hairband with a big white flower in it and some white shoes, not sure if i am going wear tights as by then i feel so fat

Yes it is a maternity dress as well, it is hard to tell on picture but when I get married bigger bump hopefully you can see then :)
I think it's good it doesn't look 'maternity' - means it's discreet.
Your hairband sounds lovely - are you getting your hair done or are you just doing it yourself? Can't wait to see pics of the big day, it's really exciting!! We got married almost 5 years ago and I still go all goey over weddings.

I'm kinda copying you tonight too - going to Pizza Express for tea! They're doing an offer this week of all pizzas for £5.95 so I could hardly resist that!
I am getting my hair done the day before, there is no way I can sit when I will be a bag of nerves.

Aw, glad I could insist you to go,lol and I am probably going to get a naughty pudding as well. The best of it all is I can come home and done jack all and lounge around, haha

Hope you will enjoy it as much as I will :)
Well I did have a yummy dinner at Pizza Express last night!!

Although I did have a bit of a funny turn when I was in the shops beforehand, was going back and forth between New Look and Mothercare trying on maternity clothes and in the changing rooms I came over really hot and dizzy, so I left and had to have a sit down and wait until hubby came over.
Not liking these dizzy spells much - make me feel really unsteady on my feet.

Had quite a sucessful shopping trip though - I found a dress I liked for the wedding we've got coming up, and hubby's party, and funnily enough it's a style I would never normally have gone for:

So I tried on an 18 - too big, and a 14 - too tight (although fitted which I thought was quite amazing) so I had to go online to order the 16. And happened to find a 20% discount code so I've ordered lots :D including a couple more dresses that weren't in store.

Oh and I bought a floaty black maternity skirt from Mothercare - £25 down to £12.50, will be good for the summer!
aw, poor you, make sure you get plenty of rest when shopping :)

The dress looks lurvly and sounds like you got some good bargings. I have brought tons of maternity clothes as my normal clothes make me feel fat (any old excuse for new clothes :p )
As promised here is my bump pic - taken at 14+2


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Aw lookit yer wee bump! You're looking well!
Thanks! Hoping my clothes come tonight as website says 'dispatched'.
We're away Wednesday to Sunday so really hoping it comes by then...
Thanks hun!

Well my New Look order came yesterday, I had good news and bad news.

Good news was the dress I wanted fits lovely! It's a bit shorter than I remember in the shop (I've got a thing about showing my knees so ideally like skirts to be below the knee) but that's ok, and I've successfully found another pair of nice jeans - yay! I'm over the moon about that and they were less than £13 with my 20% discount.

But I'm not keeping the rest - ordered a black maxi dress which just looks a bit too dressy, plus a bit long. Another dress that didn't suit me, and some tops which just didn't fit right.

Never mind - I am very happy with the jeans and dress :D

Was just chatting to my neighbour who the parcel was dropped off too - it's her last week on maternity leave. She recommended when you find a good pair of maternity jeans, get another pair straight away as you might not find any as nice again... so I might do that with these New Look bootcut ones...
That is so true about maturnity jeans, I have problems with getting any right. Got one pair of skinny jeans that fit perfect apart from the little bump I have, so I have to wait for the bump to grow :)

I think with online shopping general it is a hit and miss game, I am luckily though that I fit in perfect size 16 Next, phew!
I haven't tried Next as I'm a bit stingy when it comes to buying clothes and tend to stick to the cheap shops (esp as I won't be wearing them for that long...). I just think there is minimal cheaper ranges.
Got a bit of a dillemma at the mo - not sure what to do. I'm going on a spa day on the 20th May when I'll be 21 weeks... so I need to get into a swimming costume. So I'm stuck whether to buy a maternity one or not... but I'm not even sure I'll wear it again if I do.
I think I'll hang on until closer to the time and see if I can still squeeze my belly into the size 16 one I've got, and maybe try an 18 normal if not. As they're all about £25 for maternity ones - and I don't want to spend that if I'm only going to wear it once!
I brought a lot of maternity wear of ebay.

Personally I would buy one closer to the time and it probably be a maternity one for comfort :)
I am stingy aren't I??
I think it's a psychological thing - I have lots and lots and lots of clothes at home. Unfortunately only a small amount fit me as they range from size 12 upwards. So in my head I can't justify spending money on more clothes if I've already got lots (even if they don't fit).
BUT over the bank hol weekends we've vowed to have a major sort out of everything in the house ready to start decorating and shopping for the baby.
This will include me chucking/donating all the clothes that don't fit me, apart from any really nice pieces. I do plan on getting down to a 12-14 post baby (same plan I had pre baby to be fair!), but I guess I'll just have to get new clothes if that happens as I can't just keep tons of clothes that don't fit!

Oh and I have a bit of a fear of ebay too - one of my friends had an unfortunate experience and I've avoided it ever since... but maybe I can ease myself in if I find a maternity swimsuit...
Um... well I've gone and ordered a load of stuff off Dorothy Perkins now. I did have a 20% discount code (again) and there were some nice dresses I might end up swapping for the purple one... plus some tops in the sale I couldn't resist... I'll probably end up sending half back again!