ProPoints Sarah's back and determined to lose weight! Let's get my figure back!

Hehe Trina!! I like eyebrow bars. My brother used to have one and it looked really good.

So, had to ring Student Loans today about the letter they sent. I do owe them money (I was hoping it was a mistake after I already repaid money earlier in the year) so I am quite skint now :(

My mum told me I look like I've lost lots of weight :D I am very happy about that. My jeans are definitely looser, but I tried my size 16 jeans on and they are still a bit too tight so not quite there yet.
Haha. Ok im going into town later so when i get back and put it in il take a pic. Tut tut serena the things u have me doing.x:p

I look forward to the pic :) x

Hehe Trina!! I like eyebrow bars. My brother used to have one and it looked really good.

So, had to ring Student Loans today about the letter they sent. I do owe them money (I was hoping it was a mistake after I already repaid money earlier in the year) so I am quite skint now :(

My mum told me I look like I've lost lots of weight :D I am very happy about that. My jeans are definitely looser, but I tried my size 16 jeans on and they are still a bit too tight so not quite there yet.

Did u have to pay them back right away? It's good that your mum has backed up your sneaky WI! So excited for tonight :) x
Good luck for weigh in tonight.
Sounds like you'll do brilliantly due to your sneaky wi.
Tut tut.

I hope you waved to me on your way home.

And 27 weeklies remaining?
I've only got 5 left.

As for piercings - I've currently got my lip, belly button and ears done - both lobes pierced twice, and on my right ear I've got my top ear done and my forward helix pierced three times. I nearly passed out getting them done.

I've also had both traguses done and my hips.

And the boy has got his eyebrow done.
Never really been one for eyebrow piercings, but his is part of him. I barely notice it these days.
I love piercings I have 10. I used to have my sternum pierced but that grew/got ripped out.
Haha. I once new a girl that had her"stuff" done and she passed out and when she woke up she had peed herself!! Wow your brave i dont think id dare.x

Haha really!? I can safely say I didn't pee myself :p I love piercings. And tattoos.

I wanted my lip done for a long time but didn't want to scar my face.
Haha I love my tongue piercing :) why did you take it out?

When tyler was born i took it out coz i kept swallowin the ball. i was just meant to buy a new 1 and never got round to it. That was ten year ago. Dont think that would go back thru. it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.x
When tyler was born i took it out coz i kept swallowin the ball. i was just meant to buy a new 1 and never got round to it. That was ten year ago. Dont think that would go back thru. it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.x

Is the hole still there? Did u have to go through your poo to find the ball? X