I did eat a bit more last night... but I've put that behind me now.
WI was this morning. My usual scales were playing up- I think the batteries are low. Every time I stepped on I got a different reading- they were out by about 3lbs each time! So I used my new scales and they gave a consistent reading of 13st 5lbs, so I've gained 0.4lbs. Not much considering the amount I've eaten this weekend!
I had a phone call this morning- I passed my Debenhams phone interview! I've got the formal interview on Saturday in store- a group activity, individual activity and 1:1 interview. I need to go and buy some black trousers as the pair I have are too big!
Of course I will wear my new Debenhams Jasper Conran coat to the interview
Does anyone know when you get a weight like 13st 4.6lbs what the .6 is? Is it 6oz or just .6 of a pound? I'm not really sure I understand. My new scales are different in that they dont give decimals they say "13st 4 and 1/4 pounds" so I wondered if that would be 13st 4.2lbs or something else.