I always wear jeans to WI and I have the same dinner each week before WI- a weight watchers meal and veg!
Drum roll....
I lost 2lbs!
I was a teensy bit disappointed it wasn't more, but I am very happy that I lost

I was worried the extremely cheesy sandwich I had yesterday and the bit of chocolate would screw things up.
I can't WI next week as I'll be in Hull with my boyfriend visiting his family. I have to be extra good that week as well as I don't want to gain any weight. I'm going to buy some WW meals for my dinners and hope his mum wont be too offended!
After I walked the dog after WI I treated myself by getting some chippy chips! I had just over half the portion, about a dinner plate full so I'm pointing it at 15pp to be on the safe side.
Breakfast- 2 golden syrup weetabix 4pp, alpro soya 2pp
Lunch- 4 ryvita crackerbread 2pp, extra light laughing cow 0pp, babybel 1pp, ham 1pp, 2 slices kingsmill 50/50 5pp, 2 tsp marmite 1pp, walkers squares 3pp
Dinner- WW cottage pie 5pp, veg 0pp
Snacks- shortbread 4pp, alpro soya milkshake 4pp, chippy chips 15pp
33/33 dailies
13 weeklies
36 weeklies remaining