Sarah's Diary.......part 2

Aw honey, sorry you've been feeling crappy and sorry I was away for few days
Firstly-listen, there's no point getting upset over using all your weeklies and then your Italian. TOTM is a b1tch and you seem to get bad side affects so let it go.
You've planned well for week now with soups and shopping. Breakfast ideas-cereal with fruit, eggs, mushrooms in Philly on toast?

I know it's hard to hear but eating well will make you feel better. I know when you feel crap its hard to want to get back into it but it'll be worth it. Forget bout big sessions in gym or long walks-go for gentle walk-fresh air mite help.

Anyway, hope your day gets better hon. x

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Aw honey, sorry you've been feeling crappy and sorry I was away for few days
Firstly-listen, there's no point getting upset over using all your weeklies and then your Italian. TOTM is a b1tch and you seem to get bad side affects so let it go.
You've planned well for week now with soups and shopping. Breakfast ideas-cereal with fruit, eggs, mushrooms in Philly on toast?

I know it's hard to hear but eating well will

make you feel better. I know when you feel crap its hard to want to get back into it but it'll be worth it. Forget bout big sessions in gym or long walks-go for gentle walk-fresh air mite help.

Anyway, hope your day gets better hon. x

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ahh thanks that's lovely to hear. im gonna get up soon and ha a cuppa and get ready. when im out and about ill grab something to eat while im out. sounds silly but don't wanna use my stuff for work lol.

im gonna get some cereal. you know the little ones that's boxed in portions? they had them in farm foods 6 for £1 so ill dodge over and get them x
I always find cereal doesn't fill me up :-( I must be a piggy as millions of people probably eat cereal for Brekkie! X
It doesn't me to be honest. im gonna get cherry scones from mns and cereal.


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my bargain top x
oooo and i got new leggings too mine actually got holes in them off where my legs rubbed together .....:cry:

so i went to asda and two pair for £10! i got a size 12 so these should keep me going for a while, nothing worse than leggings thats too small......i seen a girl yesterday and her leggins were so small for her you could see skin and her knickers!!

just having a brew x
Mmmmmm Scones! I'd have to pick the Cherries out tho! Lol! X

Love that top on you, seen loads of people wearing that style lately. X

lol you not like cherry scones??? they are only 4pp and taste so yum!!

well iv wanted one but couldnt find a nice one i liked and for £3.50 couldnt say no.....its a size 10 eeeeep and only one left in that size x
oooo and i got new leggings too mine actually got holes in them off where my legs rubbed together .....:cry:

so i went to asda and two pair for £10! i got a size 12 so these should keep me going for a while, nothing worse than leggings thats too small......i seen a girl yesterday and her leggins were so small for her you could see skin and her knickers!!

just having a brew x

Were her knickers polka dotty ;-) 2 for £10 was good, I don't own any leggings or jeggings! X
no thankfully they were blavk but good god they were awful x
so iv had some lunch, a pasta thingy from morrisons. I enjoyed it but felt too much. iv been and got some cereal and toffee crisp biscuits yummy x

I need help pointing these up! there not the big ones just weeny x


Lunch looks yummy!!! Those Ripples are 2pp or 2 for 5pp.x
I wouldn't have 2 but it's still good tho 2pp for them mmmmmm. I went to farm foods its my new favourite shop x
im back in bed. lazy but I took cocodamol earlier and the pains went away but they are back now and I feel shattered! ! The match is about to start and I told Craig id watch it with him but now I cannot be arsed x
serena can you help me point my dinner please? x
it was what I had at lunch time today .

I kno its not a lot x
I wouldn't have 2 but it's still good tho 2pp for them mmmmmm. I went to farm foods its my new favourite shop x

Awwwww I'm well jel! We don't have Farm Foods near us :-( x

im back in bed. lazy but I took cocodamol earlier and the pains went away but they are back now and I feel shattered! ! The match is about to start and I told Craig id watch it with him but now I cannot be arsed x

Hope u get some nice rest :) x

it was what I had at lunch time today .

I kno its not a lot x

What sort of Pasta was it? And ill work it out. X
it was chicken pasta but I don't recall any chicken in it! ! and it was a spoon of pasta and 2 onion bajis x