(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
oh my that's a lot lol x
Yeah :-( Last years was £140 but really wanted to do her a Hall Party this year. That's why I've invited 35 Kids, get my money's worth! X
oh my that's a lot lol x
i need help counting..........
iv been shopping this morning and me and craig decided to go to asda for breakfast.
so i had a sausage sandwich and a hash brown it was yummy but dunno how to point i?!?! can anyone help?? x
haha thanks hin
I feel ok with that. im considering going back out but I ache from the butt down x
all ready for the party! hope I can walk my foot kills. ....must be good and no cider x
sorry forgot to take a pic. ....
I may have gone off plan. .....3 x despardos .....voddy and coke .......buffer!
ooops x
erm no but gonna write weeklies off now I woke up at 4am with massive heartburnwasn't good. im skipping a sunday dinner today so ill save millions of points again.
I quite fancy a sandwich again that I had yesterday but my points will be wiped off again.
yesterday all I had was a sausage sandwich with hash brown. Some nik naks and a fudge! not a lot at all but points wise 23pp!!!!
it killed me! im so hungry u can smell the dinner but I worked it out and it will cost me 23pp and u refuse to use all them on one meal x
It sounds worth it to me hahaha xyea coz its whole milk and stork butter in everything! ! im not really keen on beef but it's dead thick so it's around 6pp for that then the mash is full of full fat stuff so around 8pp for that. Then there is tbe gravy its proper gravy from the juice so a few points in that. then the yorkies they are made with lard. .....then the veg that's ok but the carrot and swede mash that's full of butter too! it ain't worth it x
that's amazing im going to asda for one! that will save me so much points. obv you don't get as much but still x