Sarah's Diary.......part 2

Hope u get on ok at work Sweetie, what time u there till? X
Like the girls said ,think of your pay cheque itl be all worth it. What time are you finished at?

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hi girls just got home. I started at 7.30 been thinking of my massive Yorkshire all day :) x
hi girls just got home. I started at 7.30 been thinking of my massive Yorkshire all day :) x

You're gonna enjoy that sooooooo much! X
im soooooo hungry x
omfg!!! all for 14pp!!!

its amaze x
all but a carrot left stuffed. I should be coming home from work to a meal like this every day x

omfg!!! all for 14pp!!!

<img src=""/>

That looks amazing! X

all but a carrot left stuffed. I should be coming home from work to a meal like this every day x

<img src=""/>

Glad u enjoyed it :) x
made my soup im shattered! x
What flavour This week? X

beef again. ....for not really liking it lol or do you mean soup? ??? course you do. Just same as last week :

* leek
*2 x carrot
* garlic
* chili
* pepper
beef again. ....for not really liking it lol or do you mean soup? ??? course you do. Just same as last week :

* leek
*2 x carrot
* garlic
* chili
* pepper

Sounds good! Gotta love Soup, can't wait to do more cooking this week.x
gonna do them when the nana goes out and I have space x
second day of overtime done. really tired but has to be done. I cleared loads of work today and my colleagues who was just chatting all day was like how have you done that much? ?? really annoys me I hate being put on the spot like that.

anyhoo......we go and view a house tomorrow and im really excited just hope it's perfect. its a good size and we don't need to downsize and can keep everything. The more I stay here the more money im chucking away! ! so really have everything crossed for tomorrow!

iv been and made a veg soup now gonna prepare some meatballs and burgers!

today's food.

B melba toast with cheese 4pp

L spaghetti on toast 5pp

D giant Yorkshire pudding as above 13pp

skips 2pp
ww bar 2pp

fudge 3pp

I feel hungry now as I ate so early today. ...........dunno what to have x