Good Morning SarahHow is the Weather up there? Are u ready for your F&H Day? X
Bec are you in Welwyn this week? XWhat's your weather like down south Serena? x
Bec are you in Welwyn this week? X
Damn it! I'm off an we could have met up for a Starbucks xNo not this week but I am supposed to be going to slough on Wednesday. It was supposed to be going down today but one of my meetings has been move to later on in the week x
Damn it! I'm off an we could have met up for a Starbucks x
How annoying! XThat's about typical. I'm usually in Welwyn around the middle of the month x
Good Morning SarahHow is the Weather up there? Are u ready for your F&H Day? X
What u gonna have today Sarah?Sounds ok, not moved yet lol. how about you? yup bring it on x
Sounds ok, not moved yet lol. how about you? yup bring it on x
What u gonna have today Sarah?
Weather is Horeendous here :-( I woke up at 5am cos the Wind/Rain is setting off all the Alarms and Security Lights! My friend just text me to say her friends trampoline 'jumped' two fences during the night! It's only 8am and I've prepped lunch and dinner and am eating my Brekkie! Gonna be a longgggggg day! X
wow that's bad. I don't think we will be hit much tbh x
Ooooh lovely!!! Where's the quiche? Lol xplan is, egg on toast jac pot and beans chili and pasta x
Ooooh lovely!!! Where's the quiche? Lol x
Our leader was asking her group to try F and H so I will be interested to see how it goes? It sound very similar to slimming world which my sister in law lost over 9 stone on, the leader tried it as it's new to her too and she lost 2lb in the week and she is very slim, I need to get my head around the pp first then maybe have a look at f&H later but looking forward to seeing how you get on.x