It was great! I got a really good report from it and have passed everything this year so very happy with that!
I'm struggling a lot at the moment. I've eaten badly for the last two days. I have my food planned for today and it's all good. Tomorrow I'm having lunch out and then dinner at a pizza restaurant.
Tues, wed, thurs is fine but then Friday-Sunday I'm camping and I'm worried here. However, I can probs buy some ok things and take them with me.
Then I've got my birthday soon after that and I'm just worried- I have so much temptation this month!
However, I'm only working 3 hours today and then I'm done for 1.5 weeks so I'll make the most of my time and exercise.
Then when we are camping i should get a good burn by body boarding.
I weigh myself every day even though I know I shouldn't. I think I'm going to weigh today and then make Friday mornings my new weigh in day. I need to be a bit more strict from now on.