Sarah's Ramblings.... 2011!

Come on hun. I need to get back on it too. Started counting again today. Went a bit over. Need to get strict again. Let's start up again together yeah? :) Or maybe start after freshers. I know what that is like lol.
Great advice from Bostik. Maybe you two should do it together. Like minded people spuring each other on. It's always great to have a buddy.

Littlesis and I do similar. We both encourage everyone on here, but she really kicks my butt when I need it, just that bit extra, and hopefully I do the same for her. I have made so many friends on minimins, and the great thing is, we are all in the same position, so we all know how each other are feeling.

You can do this Sarah, you really can. You have done it before, you just need to reach deep and find it. :)

Bostik - I think I said before, we are almost the same height and weight, so yes it would be great to spur each other on!

I am just disappointed with myself - this time last year I had lost 3 stone in 5 months. Since then I have stayed the same weight. The same weight for a year!! That is not good.

I never want anyone to know my starting weight - I am totally embarrased about it, and to be honest, other than on here, I am sure no one will ever know my weight, even if I get to ten stone!

My boyfriend is gorgeous, (not that I am shallow!!) and has an amazing body. He is always going on about it though - how he needs to lose another inch, how he needs to build up muscle, blah blah blah. He talks about cals and fat etc as if I know nothing about it and I really want to say - you know what, I lost 3 stone, I know how it works!

But I would be embarrased for him to think I weighed 3 stone MORE than I do now, so I will not tell him! It is the same with my uni friends - none of them knew me at 18 stone, only now, so they will never know! Unless they look back at my old photos, where you can see a difference.

I want to do well with this running. My family has a charity set up for my uncle who died and I missed out on doing a half marathon this year (fitness) and a skydive (weight) - when these come around next year, I want to be able to do them. Maybe not the half marathon - but maybe a 10k. I NEED to lose the weight.

My problem is binges. My main meals are fine - I can eat healthily then. My issue is that I will find excuses for a binge - well I havent done great today, so I'll just go and buy a packet of biscuits and eat them all, or a multipack of chcolate bars and eat them until I feel sick.

WHY do I do it?!!?

I am proud of myself for what I have lost so far but I just need to keep going. Despite not losing, this is the longest, by well over a year, that I have kept to a diet in general, and so I need to carry it on before I lose it.


I am going to write out a plan for the next two weeks - bit OTT but this is more for my benefit!

Friday 2nd
B: Belvita breakfast biscuits. L: wrap, crisps and cereal bar. D: wrap, crisps and cereal bar (repetitive but it works!!). E: C25K - W3D1. Will be under calories.

Saturday 3rd
No plans for the day. Supposed to be a night out but I WILL NOT GO! Food will be the same as the day before. I will go for a walk.

Sunday 4th
Again, no plans. I will eat the same food and go for a run - C25K - W3D2.

Monday 5th
Working - same food as the previous days. Walk in the evening.

Tuesday 6th
Working - same food as the previous days. Run - C25K W3D3.

Wednesday 7th
Working - same food as previous days. Going to my bfs for the night. He'll be going to the gym. I can either walk at lunch or while he is at the gym - I think I'll go for when he is at the gym. He will want a few vodka diet cokes in the eve but I will say NO!

Thursday 8th
Day off from work. Hopefully not doing much with my bf. Probably will have no breakfast. Again, he is meant to be going to the gym - if he goes in the am then I will go for a walk, if he goes in the evening then I'll go home and go for a run - C25K - W4R1!! Foodwise, he is on a diet too so I'll probably have chicken with herbs and veg!

Friday 9th
Last day at work - will not take in cakes! Food will be standard work food - wrap etc. Exercise will be a walk in the evening.

Saturday 10th
Moving to uni - this is where the madness begins! From here onwards for the next two weeks at least my life will revolve around sleeping and drinking! I am going to make sure the only food I have in the house is healthy. I am going to make sure the only alcohol I have is vodka. That way, hopefully I will stick to healthy food throughout the day, and 'healthy'(!!) drink at night! I will dance LOADS! I will try to run 3 times a week.

I binge eat. If I fail with my diet, it is because of a binge. I am sure that anyone else who does this does the same as me - has to hide the rubbish from the food. I am hoping that living with 6 others will stop me doing this. Bit sad that I have this issue still. :(

I have a very addictive personality and I do think this contributes. I have never touched drugs or cigarettes - purely because I think if I do I will get hooked!

Right, essay over - this has helped me! Sorry to bore you all!
Been to a car boot today. Bought a lovely new look dress in a size 12!


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Ooh, get you lady. Well done on all the walks and running. Sounds like you have got the right attitude babe.

Love the new pic of you on a rock.
Dress is lovely, great with tights!

Keep it up, you are really doing great. :)
Well done on all these lbs dropping off!! I know exactly how you feel about it all at the moment. I'll eat perfectly all day, then blow it on a binge that I've made some excuse for. I don't even know why I do it, I guess because I want ONE and then just don't stop, certainly wasn't intended to be a binge at the beginning! I start uni in a week and I know we've got a few nights out in the first couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time! The girl I was going to stay with tomorrow night realised that her room was going to be a bit too jam packed with the few of us she agreed to let stay over so I think my plan instead is to drive and not drink, she said I could still stay but makes it easier for her. I can have a good night without drinking and I think at the moment, seeing the scales go up more will quite possibly throw me off track completely!

One thing I know though is that no matter what you've got coming up, you can do it. You've shown that already with the past 3 stone! Ok staying the same isn't ideal but it's a hell of a lot better than gaining and, in my opinion, you've done a pretty good job to even do that!
Thanks Caroline!

I'm going to uni on Saturday, and we Already have plans for nights out on sat, sun, mon, tues and wed. Thursday I'm coming home for a hen night and a BBQ - so even my break from uni is bad! Then back to uni on Sunday for nights out on Sunday through to Friday! Then back home for a wedding!

I'm deffo going to put in a load and get ill! Wouldn't miss it for the world though!
Busy busy Sarah!! It'll be fun though, what's the point in doing this if all we're going to do is sit inside and be bored? I've got a BBQ today, everyone has to bring something so I'm thinking I may make some chicken kebabs or something and stick with them and some salad. I'm going to TRY to anyway!
I don't think I've ever had a prawn kebab!