Sarah's Ramblings.... 2011!

Wooohoooo! Next week's weigh-in is going to feel brilliant for you - well done :)
Hello Sarah! where did your diary go!? ... well done on your weight loss :D and getting under 200lbs!!
Oh god I have a hangover! I never used to get them but have been getting them more and more recently- age or weight loss?!

I ate perfectly all day but had half a portion of chips and then snacked when I got in, in an effort to sober myself up - think I'm still drunk now!!

Want to eat well today, but I'm so tempted by a meal out. Might make myself a muffin with a sausage - would be 312 calories which isn't too bad.
Good for you!! :)
Not feeling very well today. But it's kinda good as it means my appetite has disappeared!

My uni has a gym but I don't fancy going along with all the young students, especially when I'm not overly confident. Also, my friend who goes quite often has to come home as there are too many people there.

I've just found a new gym which is close by which has exercise classes and women only sessions so I am going to go and have a look at that at some point- maybe tomorrow as I'm stuck in my bed today.
Sorry your not feeling well. Hope your better tomorrow. Gym sounds promising :)
Feeling better today!

Popped to the gym but there was no one at reception - I had a quick look though and it looked good. But, I might wait until after Easter to join as it seems silly to pay for gym if I'm going home for a few weeks.

I'm watching the biggest loser final - literally gobsmacked at some of the changes! Amazing!! Anyone else watch it?

Eaten well today, got about 650 left for dinner so am fine!
Loved the biggest looser final. Couldn't get over the change in Claire and her sil they both looked about 10 years younger and Omg will and paddy were unrecognisable.

Sounds like a good day :)
Draw a line under it and get back on track. You know you can do it :)
Look at you under 200.... HATE YOU!!! LOL!!!

Seriously, well done, what an acheivement!!! x