Ahhh I see lol xxTan the asda ones are 2pp each and 2 for 4...only ones I can eat and save a point woop Ill have the pork tomorrow. I was out and fancied them lol x
Awake so early this morning Hugo wet the bed so iv been up a while!!
I looked back on my first diary earlier and realised that I was shocking. I always give up and never stuck to anything. I would get so far and fall off the band wagon.
Im not gonna say no more this is my turn as you never know what will happen but I would like to think I have the will power and the support this time.
I haven't constantly had takeaway or kfc or McDonald's, yes iv had moments where iv really wanted stuff but resisted. I think a switch has been flicked in my head.
I was a moaner so I hope in this diary I can inspire people and make myself proud x
Ahhh thank you I just moaned on my last one and wondered why no 1 posted where as this one loads have subscribed and I feel better for that and feel like I cannot let anyone down x
What's the food plan today? X
So today's food. Breakfast ww cereal 3pp milk 1pp Lunch subway salad 5pp Dinner pork dinner 11pp Chocolate again ..... curly wurly 3pp Ww rich toffee 2pp 2 caramel digestive 4pp 26/26 2/49 If im hungry later ill munch on fruit. Going out with friends tomorrow so dunno what I'll be eating.