Sarah's SW Diary

Awww thanks Jackie :D xxxx

Here's the food plan for the day:

2 x quorn sausage (2 syns)
Baked beans (free)
Mushrooms (free)
Extra light mayo (0.5 syn)

Leek & potato soup (1 syn)
Wholemeal roll (HexB)
Low fat spread (1 syn)

Veggie shepherds pie (free)
Baked beans (free)
Gravy (3.5 syns)

Melon (free)
Wholemeal roll (HexB)
Low fat spread (1 syn)
Marmite (free)
250ml semi-skimmed milk (HexA)

Total: 9 syns

Positives for today:
1) I still have my options open for tonight, so am not stuck doing something I don't want to.

2) I've found it very easy to get back on plan, and haven't been tempted to be naughty once.

3) Jackie thinks I'm lovely as I am, weird food and knitting and all :giggle:
JackieN said:
fab positives :D love it :giggle: you are lovely as you are and I love some of your breakfasts :giggle: and knitting I was just pulling your leg :D xxxxxxxxxx

Hehe, I know :D it made me laugh though so I thought that must be a positive :giggle: xxxxx
Here's the food for today:

35g fruit & fibre (HexB)
Grapes (free)
Vanilla mullerlight (free)

Jacket potato (free)
Baked beans (free)

Jacket potato (free)
Low fat spread (2 syns)
30g cheese (HexA)
Low fat salad cream (1.5 syns)

Apple (free)
Leek & potato soup (1 syn)
Wholemeal roll (HexB)
Low fat spread (1 syn)
Hot chocolate (6 syns)

Total: 11.5 syns

My 3 positives for the day:
1) It's a new year, hopefully the start of a better one.
2) I got to see in the new year with the boy, and it was lovely. He was quite drunk and kept saying the sweetest things to me all night :)
3) I also met the boy's Mum last night, and it wasn't too weird or uncomfortable.

I meant to post this this morning, but have been too busy. Even though the boy kept me awake till about 3.30 talking rubbish, and I had to get up at 7 to go to work, it's been a good day today. Work was interesting, even though I was shattered, I was with a good team though. The boy's coming over again in a bit too so I get lots of cuddles again tonight :D.
OMG how exciting. You met the MIL :eek: :eek: Tilly when shall we go hat shopping, we have to look good for our girl's wedding :D

Hiya Sarah
where r u? I came on here to find your 3 positives and you're not about :eek: you are not wedding dress shopping without us are you :eek: ;) xxxxxx
Not wedding dress shopping, I promise! That's a long way off :eek:

It's just been a busy couple of days! The boy came over on New Years day evening and was here all day yesterday, we went out for my cousin's birthday, and then when I got home one of the bars over the road from me was on fire so watched that all night. Had to go to a funeral today, my Gran's cousin passed away just before Christmas so just not had time to post properly!

I have pics of my knitting on my phone, will put them up when I have time to sit on the laptop and do it.

Also although I haven't posted my positives I have thought of 3 first thing each morning!

Will be back with a proper update tomorrow!xxxx
I've taken all my decs down today and blitzed the whole flat, filed all my paperwork and feel much better for it!

Weigh in result was a STS, which I'm ok with, better than a gain, and I haven't been 100% since Sunday. I've had a couple of people ask me for phone socks too :D the pics are still on my phone so will post them on here later xxx
sts is good :D

phone socks :confused: to phones have feet then :eek:

joking :8855: I know what they are and could do with one for my phone as its going to get broken or scratched as doesn't fit in any of the cases I have :( I did have a phone sock but suspect no 2 son pinched it and lost it :rolleyes: xxxxxxxx
Although a little later than planned, here are the pics of my knitted phone covers. Jackie, if you want one they're £3 each :giggle:

Today's food plan:

35g fruit & fibre (HexB)
Grapes (free)
Vanilla Mullerlight (free)

Jacket potato (free)
Baked beans (free)
Cheese (HexA + HexB)
Salad (free)

Going to Nando's with the boy, will pick the best option I can!

Leek & potato soup (1 syn)

Total: 1 syn + nando's

Positives for today:
1) I didn't get blown away walking to work this morning
2) I'm back at work so can get back in routine and not have picky food around.
3) I already have a few people who've asked for phone covers so will have a bit of extra cash :)
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