Here's the food for today:
35g fruit & fibre (HexB)
Grapes (free)
Vanilla mullerlight (free)
Jacket potato (free)
Baked beans (free)
Jacket potato (free)
Low fat spread (2 syns)
30g cheese (HexA)
Low fat salad cream (1.5 syns)
Apple (free)
Leek & potato soup (1 syn)
Wholemeal roll (HexB)
Low fat spread (1 syn)
Hot chocolate (6 syns)
Total: 11.5 syns
My 3 positives for the day:
1) It's a new year, hopefully the start of a better one.
2) I got to see in the new year with the boy, and it was lovely. He was quite drunk and kept saying the sweetest things to me all night

3) I also met the boy's Mum last night, and it wasn't too weird or uncomfortable.
I meant to post this this morning, but have been too busy. Even though the boy kept me awake till about 3.30 talking rubbish, and I had to get up at 7 to go to work, it's been a good day today. Work was interesting, even though I was shattered, I was with a good team though. The boy's coming over again in a bit too so I get lots of cuddles again tonight
