Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Hello lovely one,

Aww birthdays are so tricky (both your own and family ones too!) - hope you all had a super weekend though.

Today at work is like torture! One of the girls here is going on maternity leave today so there are loads of those M&S nibbles tubs plus one of the guys has made a six-tier Rainbow Cake! It's awesome!! Will get a pic later but right now I'm trying so very hard to resist! I've got strawberries on my desk, which I'm nibbling on, plus I've just had an Alpen Light. I WILL be good this week!

We've got quite a lot of meat and fish in the freezer and a fair amount of rice, pasta etc in the cupboards so with payday still nearly 2 weeks away (for me, anyway, think OH gets paid this Friday), we're just going to do a big fruit and veg shop at Lidl tonight. Hope they've got some Muller Lights this week :)

That cake sounds amazing! I love those rainbow cakes, I might attempt one one day, maybe for my daughter's birthday! Work places are hard to resist goodies when people bring stuff in! I work in a v small place so there's not too much of that thankfully though last week someone brought in muffins and it took all my willpower on the Wednesday not to eat on, or bring it home where I would have no doubt eaten it!! I did resist that though....

I hear you re; payday, doing red weeks defo costs us more but I just can't do pasta/rice etc this week, I need a bit of a carb detox! Will need to do a freezer scan this week and see what we have that I can use up and what I need to buy still, maybe do an online shop actually, not done that for a while!
Your bracelet is stunning you lucky lucky girl :)

I've had a bad three weeks too and gained a very deserved half stone lol.

I'm trying a fast day today to kick start me as another weekend away for bank hols.

Have a fab day :)
Ooh let me know how you get on, Kath. I like the idea of 5:2 but just don't think I have the will power!! We're away staying with OH's friends at the weekend so that will be a test too. Think food will be BBQ, so that's fine, but controlling booze intake will be another matter! But if I can be good all week and keep the syns low, hopefully it'll be ok!!

How are things with you now? Hope it's all selling down a bit xx
I think the trick is to do it on really busy days which Monday generally is for me anyway. I drank so much prosecco and Pinot on the weekend lol so need to undo some of that for starters!

Kitchen gets ripped out and replaced next month hopefully so slowly packing that up :)
Oooh! I made a 6-tier rainbow cake a couple of weeks ago for my friend's birthday!! It was delicious but definitely not syn free!


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Wow! That looks amazing and has given me inspiration for a gay friends 30th cake.

Off to google rainbow sponge cakes lol
Hope you are having a good day. Your celebrations have sounded fab!

Just wondering if you have heard off Minks at all as she hasn't posted in ages? X

Hey hun, thank you :) minks has posted a few things on ********* and wished me a happy birthday so she's all good I think - just mega busy at work, poor thing. Hope you're well lovely xx

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Well I messed yesterday up a bit with a slice of birthday cake and some Twirl bits in the evening. Silly silly Sarah!

That said, we've now been and done a big food shop so there's plenty of super free in the house and my lunches are sorted for the rest of the week, so hopefully I can draw a line under that and behave from here on in!

So food for today is looking like:

B - fat free yog with 1/2 HEXB Bran Flakes
L - Tomato Mug Shot with peppers, tomatoes and 2 x Laughing Cow Light triangles (1/2 HEXA)
D - Chicken breast baked in ratattoullie topped with 1/2 HEXA cheese
Snacks - strawberries, banana, Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB)

I feel like my head isn't in quite the right space for this at the moment and I'm not sure how to get it back. This has happened before and it's just taken time. I think maybe it's because I've got things on the horizon for the next 2 weekends which will pull me off track...who knows! I'm sure I'll get there eventually!!

Happy Tuesday everyone xx
Wow, love those rainbow cakes!! How fab.

Your bracelet is absolutely beautiful too. Have not seen those before. Hope you have enjoyed your Birthday celebrations and had a lovely time :) xxx
Wow, love those rainbow cakes!! How fab.

Your bracelet is absolutely beautiful too. Have not seen those before. Hope you have enjoyed your Birthday celebrations and had a lovely time :) xxx

Aww thanks hun. The bracelet is from Monica Vinader - her stuff is divine!

I've loved my birthday celebrations so far, and they're still going! I'm such a lucky girl!

Loving your latest pics - you look fab!! xx
That rainbow cake is amazing - I'd be over the moon for weeks if a friend ever made that for me! :D

Sarah - you'll get back into it post-birthday, don't worry :) Just keep on being as good as you can during the week (80% good is 10x better than 100% bad!) and enjoy your special weekends - it is really hard to focus when you know there are going to be days/weekends when you'll definitely be off track! I've got a party on Friday and I'd love to go and get on the wine, but I want a loss so badly this week that I'm planning vodka & diet coke instead, and will make sure I still stay within my syns for the week in total... going to kill me though if everyone else is one the wine! :D xx
Thanks hun. Last night didn't exactly go to plan! OH had a bad day at work and when I got back from my check-up at the dentist, he'd done a big tidy up of the house, bless him, so we went to the pub and had dinner in the sunshine. Dinner wasn't on plan and was accompanied by a divine bottle of 2008 Rioja Reserva!

Trying again today though!

B - FF yog with 1/2 HEXB Bran Flakes
L - Tomato Mug Shot with tomatoes, peppers and 2 x Laughing Cow Light triangles (1/2 HEXA)
D - Chicken breast with ratatouille topped with 1/2 HEXA cheese
Snacks - banana, Harvest Morn bar (1/2 HEXB), strawberries
Lol I was just as bad last night. Was good with my food choice and some how instead of saying gin and slim please ... Large Pinot came out of my mouth;-)
Kath - I can totally feel your pain! I went to the pub to order a pint of water with a slice of lemon and a grilled chicken salad. What I ended up with was a white chicken baguette with chips on the side and half a bottle of red. Bad Sarah!!!
Kath - I can totally feel your pain! I went to the pub to order a pint of water with a slice of lemon and a grilled chicken salad. What I ended up with was a white chicken baguette with chips on the side and half a bottle of red. Bad Sarah!!!

Sounds tasty though :p youll get there again soon, just get the celebrations out of the way xx