Target? Bring it on!
Survived the fast! Looking forward to a yummy EE day tomorrow
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Oh my god!! How did I not know you can get these? Eeek!!! One of my fave choc flavours lol zHad 100 cals of Orange Kitkat Chunky! Means I won't get a treat later but I don't care...I needed it! lol xx
Survived the fast! Looking forward to a yummy EE day tomorrowxx
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Joined you. Huge non row with Ben as in he realised I told a stupid lie, walked off and not heard form him since. Entirely my fault i am in the wrong completely so drinking wine eating crisps xxxx
Don't think it will be ok tonight. Am feeling quite numb at the moment xx
Work has been mad/horrendous...fell off wagon, got runover by wagon and beaten by the non-SW stick! Back to back meetings again from 8am-5pm tomorrow. Normal service to resume shortly...I'm a rubbish SWer sometimes! Just couldn't function without some chocolate today! xxxxxx