Thanks Nelly. It's at 12.30 so I'm currently sitting at my desk feeling very sick. It's so silly because it's only work, but it's amazing how it takes over your life, isn't it!
I've just done a pre-briefing with my team and told them not to take anything personally etc. and geed them up to be really positive - if only I could take my own advice!!
Just had some more info about this interview and actually not sure if it's for me, but it won't hurt to go and have a chat with them anyway.
So looking forward to walking through my front door tonight and collapsing on the sofa with OH and the cat for a cuddle!!!
Haven't managed to eat anything yet today but must make myself:
Late breakfast - Muller Light
Lunch - Mug Shot
Dinner - Veggie stir fry (2 syns for oyster sauce)
Snacks - HEXA hot milk and HEXB Alpen Lights.
In other news, scales were showing 1lb down this morning!