Target? Bring it on!
Im envious of you ladies who 'power dress' as I either wear a uniform or mufti which is casual!
I don't think I could cope Kim! Love power dressing!
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Im envious of you ladies who 'power dress' as I either wear a uniform or mufti which is casual!
I don't think I could cope Kim! Love power dressing!xx
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What I tend to do is buy dresses & just wear them if Im going out rather than jeans etc, but hubby always wonders why Im 'dressed up' as he's so used to me slobbing about in jeans for work etc. So, Im very jealous of your dress code for work.....so you stick with the 'frocks' even if your work does have a casual dress code!
Cant see where you've doubled up on your Hex's? A - cheese, B - ryvita?
On a different note, do you know whats happened to Jenna, as she's gone walkabout again? x
HEXs were ok in the end - just had to add some syns!
Jenna's on a girls weekend to Portugal I think. Worried about how she'll be when she's back though, bless her xx
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That girl worries too much!!!! x
After finally registering so I can post rather than hover, I just wanted to drop by and say hello and wow, you look amazing!!!
I've been forum-watching for a few weeks and your posts always seem so positive - cant believe something so horrible has happened recently but I'm glad you've had a great celebration with your parents and a fab start to your new job to hopefully help you take your mind off it!!
Biscuits are a weaknes of mine atm - I'm not buying them for a long time!!
Don't be so hard on yourself honey, its a couple of biscuits. And with everything you've gone through since friday it could have been worse.
Hope you have a lovely day xxx
Well, after trying so hard to be good yesterday, I made a fatal mistake. I opened a packet of nice biscuits. I think I ate 10. That's the first time in years and years I've done that. Maybe it's stress from the weekend. Or maybe that's just an excuse.
Either way - grr...
Of to BA head office today and having lunch there. There's a waitrose so hopefully I can grab a salad.
Hope everyone has a super hump day!xx
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