Hey gorgeous,
Thank you so much for your best wishes and luck for my interview, everyone has been so amazing it's quite overwhelming! Saw your post and I'm not sure if you did weigh in or not but whatever the result, hope you're ok. Whilst I've never been that weight ( not that I can ever remember ) I know what it's like wanting a result and being good all week only to find you've stayed the same or equally you've put on and it's like what?! Whatever the result is, if it's a gain and you know you don't deserve it, don't let it change your mood or mindset, I know you're down and grumpy at the moment, and I'm sure seeing a loss might get you out of your funk but try not to focus on the numbers. Have another good week, maybe even add an SP day or two to really give you that push into your next stone bracket. Hopefully what you should of got this week will piggyback onto next week and it will be a fantastic loss.
Something my old consultant said once when someone thought they didn't deserve to gain, was asking the person how they felt before they got on the scales, did they think they had a good week? The woman said yes, she was excited and knew she had been good so just naturally assumed it would show on the scales. She then asked her how she feels now seeing the result. The woman had said she felt a bit upset and down and my old consultant had said to her that before she saw the scales, she felt good and that is just as important as what the scales says if not more so and that she might not of deserved the gain/staying the same, but she doesn't deserve to beat herself up over the scales not saying what they should have, that she needed to stick to plan for another week and focus on feeling good and being motivated by her dedication to plan the food etc and I tell you what, I still think about that when the scales don't say what I want them too. Sometimes it's due to * week or sometimes it's water and SOMETIMESSSS i'll be bad the next week and I'll get a loss that I didn't honestly deserve and my body will even itself out. so whilsts I know you're feeling down and grumpy anyway, don't focus on the scales this week, you know what you've eaten, you know you've been good so have another good week and hopefully it will rejig itself and show next weigh in.
Lots of love and support

Keep smiling Sarah! xxxxxxxxxxx