Gold Member
well I worked my points out for over the weekend and iv gone slightly over for the weeklies. obv when I get weighed on Thursday ill start fresh ans I cannot wait haha x
Cant beat fresh weeklies
well I worked my points out for over the weekend and iv gone slightly over for the weeklies. obv when I get weighed on Thursday ill start fresh ans I cannot wait haha x
im just a failure really! feeling so annoyed! im ill and just cannot be bothered. im gonna wait til I weigh in to start properly. typical x
ohhh I feel so ill. have been up all nightsob x
so full of cold! my throat feels like sand paper urgh x
im at work so cannot urgh x
lol I wish haha x
lol its daft coz they say you cannot ring in sick for a cold yet im not being productive and im passing my germs on! stooopid x
feel really poorly I tried to nap when I got home but Craig had bootcamp at 7.30 so I thought I'd walk bella while he was doing it. ....think I made 2 mins and was nearly sickback in the car with my tea....a jakeman sweet to try and help me breathe this is no good x