Sara's Dukan Diary: Stage 2 Cruise

Yeah, what is it with our teenage sons and showing their pants? My little one tries to emulate her big brother by pushing her jeans right down but apparently it's the other way round, you have to pull your pants right up!

I'm in the filthiest mood today. DS1 asked me why I was always so angry lately. I think it's the lack of alcohol. I'm not about to resort to drinking again but exam stress is driving me to breaking point, and I'm not even the one taking them! In fact I think that's the problem - I'm doing all the stressing because they aren't AND SHOULD BE!! Roll on July.
i know what you men about the exams!! my 16 ys old has just finished for the summer, hes back in 6th form in September, Flaming A levels are gonna be fun!! not!!

Great news on your 2lbs off, you on the final leg now, in the words of the band Europe "its the final countdown" lol Cx
Sara great, another 2lb wow youll be at tw before me
CPL said:
Great news on your 2lbs off, you on the final leg now, in the words of the band Europe "its the final countdown" lol Cx

CPL you've got me playing air guitar and headbanging!! :D

P x
Hang on a minute, girls! You don't visit your diary for one day and you've slipped to page 2! Someone must have been spreading the word about this amazing plan!

Actually, a spanner was put in the works yesterday. Read in one of the papers that people who eat more than 1.5oz of red meat a day have a 13% shorter life expectancy. Vegetarians are the healthiest but that means embracing pulses and nuts as well as wholegrains - signals bingeing to me. Why is nothing straight-forward where food's concerned? Think I'll worry about that when I'm at TW though.

I'm having a sort of time-warp experience with this plan atm. On the one hand I'm not sure I'm ready to be much slimmer yet (seems to be happening so fast), on the other I can't wait to get there so I can just settle and be happy. Anyone else know what I mean, or do I just not know which side my bread's buttered, to coin a very non-Dukan phrase?

Which reminds me, it has always struck me as an anomoly that this diet is supposed to be the reason French women are not overweight, yet the French are famous for all the foods we're not allowed - du pain, du vin, du boursin!

That's 3 thoughts for the day - I don't want to find myself on page 2 again! xx
And other times there are articles about how UNhealthy vegetarians are! Take it all with a grain of salt because it would be completely impossible to try to eat around all the different studies they write about constantly. It's all so very confusing and everyone stands firmly by their beliefs - which are miles apart from each other :)
Is there something about being slim that is putting you off?
What Cheesegirl said! :D

Seriously, I was vegetarian for about 9 years and vegan for 7 and, personally, I think healthy diets are down to the individual and common sense.

Nothing healthy about chip sandwiches and salted peanuts all day (vegetarian and vegan!) in the same way that there's nothing healthy about sausages and pies all day or artificial low-fat high sugar 'food' all day.

P x
Oh my goodness Sara, that's a lot of thinking you have been doing and to be honest I have been battling with the same dilemmas - sorry though as don't have any answers for you!!!! I am sometimes incredibly grumpy on Dukan and my tolerance level has lowered!!!! Just a phase I think!!!! Anyway on the whole I am incredibly happier having Dukan in my life!!! LOL! x
I think it's inevitable we are grumpier now, but more ecstatic at times too. We've used food to quash the emotions we find hard to live with and now we can't do that we're expressing them. I've said it before but I do believe this process can change lives. We have to be really brave and strong. Warriors, advance!
Sara you have a fantasic way of putting things into words, wish I had that skill. My boss tells me i'm to direct & wants me to flower things up & i just can't do it. It's like when people are trying to tell me about something I like them to get to the point rather than tell me what colour dress someone was wearing or the lights in the shop :)
Hey hun, I defo think doing this diet makes you confront stuff you would have just used food to deal with ! I feel crap and want to eat crap its a hourly battle at the mo, BUT I dont want to go back to how I was, and the different phases of the diet will bring us different challenges and new foods yey!!
I think it's inevitable we are grumpier now, but more ecstatic at times too. We've used food to quash the emotions we find hard to live with and now we can't do that we're expressing them. I've said it before but I do believe this process can change lives. We have to be really brave and strong. Warriors, advance!

Hah! Agreed - we were definitely having similar thoughts feeling wise :) I remember chatting to a counsellor friend of mine when I did Dukan the first time around, telling her how angry I would suddenly feal, very unlike me as I am super calm. I didn't know where the feelings were coming from but it just twigged, if I felt a bit low, unsure, sad, happy, aaaaanything before, I would eat something, or sometimes have a glass of something. With Dukan, that is stripped away and it takes a while to actually cope with feeling whatever feelings are bubbling away.

ROAR! ;)
I think it's inevitable we are grumpier now, but more ecstatic at times too. We've used food to quash the emotions we find hard to live with and now we can't do that we're expressing them. I've said it before but I do believe this process can change lives. We have to be really brave and strong. Warriors, advance!

We were having a discussion in work today about eating and we decided that we all love eating, it makes us feel happy. But the down side is when your clothes dont fit, you get breathless on exertion and you then feel bad and grumpy, then you do something that you enjoy, eat food! We feel better for short time then the vicious cycle starts and before you know it your 4 stone heavier, or more. As Couteaux said, the food crutch is taken away on Dukan and you do have to address why your feeling like that in the first place. Cx
OH Sara I am grumpier on Dukan - don't get in my path when I am on one!! My poor boss - he is soooooo sweet and puts up with it!!!! The family are supportive too and give me lots of support so I am lucky and Ben knows more about my diet than I do!!! Ah well I hope I will get better as time goes on!! Defo used food before for emotional support!!!! Still would love to tbh!!!
Are we going to calm down though? The rest of the world can't put up with us biting their heads off forever! I guess we need, when we're feeling like that, to work out what has triggered it and then see if we've over-reacted because of our own insecurities or, if not, try to do something about the trigger (alter the situation or avoid it).

Anyway, enough 'potted psychology' from me for the moment. I'm another 2 lbs down this week! Just as well because I'm getting incredibly bored with cruise. 12 lbs to go, I hope the weight loss doesn't grind to a halt as I get nearer tw. It's been one of those weeks when my body shape must have changed because people are suddenly realising I've lost loads. Funny how this seems to happen in fits and starts although the weight loss is steady.

Enjoy the weekend, fellow Dukanites! Let's hope the sun puts in an appearance at some point! x
im just trying to catch up a bit... well done on ur loss and OMG you were on page 2 again but ive brought you back to page 1 :p