Hello all!
ok so weigh day is over and done with!
I've had a bit of a busy day today but that's how I like it when I'm off work. So thy I don't eat too much!
Food wise I've basically just eaten rubbish today :/
I had a pecan bar as soon as I was weighed this morning lol. (2pp)
Then when I came home I helped the mother to sort some thing out for her birthday meal this Saturday.
My mother is one of 10 children. So we have a huge family. She is also a twin, so her and her twin brother Paul are having a meal with the rest of the family. As it was the big 5-0 this year.
So after emailing the restaurant everyone's food orders I wanted to have a look at what I could wear. A few of my cousins are going and most of the girls are very slim so I don't want to look like the big fat blob. In fairness though I bought a lbd a few weeks ago that is perfect so ill be wearing that with some wedges and a blazer. Job done.
I also helped the mother pick her outfit. She went with white linins. However I think her totm is approaching so that might be a game changer!
Anyway down to the food!
I opened the fridge earlier expecting to see some weight watchers cheese so I could make my favourite lunch when to my dismay there was none there. Having put my bread on to toast already I used ordinary cheese but only 30g so still pointed the same.
So that's a cheese and turkey toasty for 9 pro points and a packet of quavers for 2
Then! I was really naughty and had a freddo. I didn't need it but had it anyway. Lol 3pro points.
So I then headed into town! It's too far to walk spin drove. Bit parked in multistory furthest away from where I wanted to go

I needed to pop into Thomas sabo to get one of my charms sent off to be fixed. I broke it ages ago in my car. However only found it a few weeks ago when cleaning my brum. So sorted that out.
Then went for a wander to Superdrug to get the eyebrows threaded. A unibrow is not a good look for anyone! They had to be done today as its spray tan o'clock tomorrow

. I love the shower b4 a tan. Exfoliating and all that jazz! Popped in primarni and boots. Then that was me.
By the time I got back to the car I really didn't want to go to asda. But I did need to get some bits for dinner so had to be done.
So for tea I had a chicken breast burger (4pp bun 4pp chicken) 1pp cheese 4pp marks and spencer chips 200 grams awesome value!
I had 3 ww chocolate digestives with a cup of tea (4pp)
And a pink and white (1pp)
So that was it for today
34/37 pro points used.
6 activity points earned.
Tbh i found myself walking up escalators and taking the stairs down. I don't know what weight watchers has done to me but I like it!
Night night everyone. Have a happy Thursday!