Silver Member
Extreme Couponing is amazing although it doesn't work as well in the UK :-( Too many pen pushers in supermarket head offices! X
I have never seen that show. What channel is it on?
Extreme Couponing is amazing although it doesn't work as well in the UK :-( Too many pen pushers in supermarket head offices! X
Noooo. Is it good?
Its amazing. U need to watch it. They get like 700 worth of food for nearly nothing.x
Madness I will have to catch it!
I love it when they have a Grocery Store in the garage! My 'Garage' is my Under Stair Cupboard lol x
I love it when they have a Grocery Store in the garage! My 'Garage' is my Under Stair Cupboard lol x
There stockpile takes over the house.x
I love that show its brill I do be amazed at them
Good Morning Vicky, How are u today? What are your plans? X
Afternoon! Not much planned really going to sort my brothers wheel chair out in a bit. Maybe do a bit of shopping and the cinema later? Not sure yet though.
How about you?
What are u going to see? I'm off to the dreaded Buffet at 3pm, dreading it today! Not sure how strong my Willpower is! X
We were going to see Lone Ranger but it's such a nice day now were going for a walk instead.
How did the buffet go? Hope you had fun!!
I aced the Buffet (will update my thread shortly)! Hope u enjoy your Walk, much cheaper than the Cinema too! X
Well done you!! I love the walk we do its so nice and after my little shopping experience today I've clocked up 12 activity points. Whoop whoop.
OMG 12AP! Go You! What do u have planned for your Friday? X
Hi hun. Have u had your hair and nails done ready for your big night out?x
Looking forward to your glammed up pic tomorrow night! X
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been on much today my life got in the way on minimins. How dare it!
I went to have my hair done. I paid for half a head last time I had my hair done for this time. But she thought that I paid for a full head so I'm not going to argue with them. £16 for a full head and a cut and finish can't go wrong!
I have also had my tan done! And I've bought some nails because the salon I wanted to go to couldn't fit me in! Annoyed but still the ones I bought are nice. I will show you all a pic when I'm dressed and ready tomorrow.
I'm not sure what to do with my hair.
I went for Chinese buffet today. Before I used to have like 3 plates but I had one and I was so bloated very proud of myself.
How has everyone else been!? Hope your all happy happy!