Scarily Skinny October Angels


Sexy Member
Totally just realised there isn't an october thread, so im emmas place i'll be the captain till she comes back! I'll add everything from last month tomorrow, but add your losses so far on here, and i'll tally them up later!


Hey Anna,
I'd love to be a SW Angel. Could I join you?
Scouzer. X
Hey anna!

After not doing to well over the last couple of months i think i am going to go for 4LB this month! Keep it low for now!! LOL! i had my first october weigh in last week and lost 1lb.

Good luck angels! Here is to an amazing october!! x
Well done Tina thats fantastic!!

I lost another 1lb this week and got my 2.5stone award!! Yeah!!! Go me! Only 10lb to got till target!!
thats v.good tina! I gaine 3.5lbs last week after a holiday! Im back on the diet today, feel STUFFED! Not going to weigh in however, so im leaving myself out of october!
Dont worry about it you will get rid of that gain in no time!

Good luck on getting back on track! Go to WI! Take it on the chin and have a natter with everyone and get motivated!

I lost 1.5lbs to get my 2 1/2 stone award!
Hi everyone. I'll go for 4lb this month as that will get me to my 2.5 stone award. I gained 2.5lb on the 7th and lost 3.5lb on the 14th so net loss of a pound so far!
Hi ladies! i lost 3lbs this week which i was really happy with! So my aiming low theory worked for this month as i have reached my october target already!! Woop woop! I wont be weighing next week as i will be away so hopefully i wont put on after!!