Scarlett to target one day at a time

I've got a sewing machine & had it years, it was expensive at the time, but really cost effective, I remember I saw a pair of boys polka dot dungrees in a shop they were far too expenisve for me, so I made some very similar Nathan looked so cute in them he was only about 2 at the time! ahhhhhh happy memories.

The pressie for your friend is such a wonderful idea & so unique.
Love the present idea! My best friend is some one who wants for nothing and although her 30th isn't until next year I had no idea what to get her. Now this has given me food for thought because its unique and amazingly cute, and she can keep it forever! Thanks for the inspiration :) xx
Thanks minks :) saw the technique and thought I had to try it, then stumbled upon the poem the next day so was like fate lol!
Just hope it works ok! Getting 3 copies of the poem printed just incase I mess up a line!
Weighed this morning and it'd gone down since Monday :) shocking number but it's going the right way. Sod it, it was 12st5. My piggy ways the last few weeks have given me the gain I deserve! Back on plan and determined to sort myself out for that dress! Got 2 weeks so although I can't work miracles in that time I should at least be able to eliminate some of my extra "tyre" that appears under my bra line when I get further from target. My main aim is to get rid of that completely then tone up.
Zumba tonight can't effing wait as had to miss last week's cos of giving blood then the week before worked late and had to pack for boat trip so really missed it!
Talking of work just waved mum boss off for the last time! :) I'm working late till dad boss gets home so won't see her again. Could she muster up a thank you? Could she f**k! "All the best, we'll have to get up early now!" was the best she could manage. Got a nice last day planned with the girls, playing at home this morning, lunch, then meeting some friends and their charges/offspring for softplay.

Today's food - green day
Breakfast weetabix hexb1 with milk from hexa1 and banana
Lunch lentil chilli soup (got lots of veg in it)
Dinner think I'll have some peppery tinned tomatoes pre Zumba as I won't have a great deal of time between getting home and going out for Zumba. Then will save my second a&b for pizza toast afterwards :)
hey hey hey, just caught up sounds like fishing was great fun!

That peom is amazing its given me a great idea for my best friends bday in two weekends time thanks :) I am going to butlins on her bday (12th) for a long weekend actually cant wait! also bradford to see old friends next weekend really excited about that too. Got alook to look forward to.

What dress did you go for? think i preferred the red as well but liked them both.

Yeah like fran said you are much better off away from mum boss waht a n*b! x
And big sigh of relief! Dad boss came home early too so I got to leave normal time :) had a lovely afternoon with my nanny/mummy friends too.

Think the protein snack were the way to go with this nausea. Had weetabix for breakfast and fruit mid morning then at lunch had half my lentil soup and felt sick for ages after. Had just peppermint tea at soft play but my friend wanted to help me feel better so got me some ginger biscuits bless her. I nibbled one and I think it did help. Off to zumba in a bit so need to eat a bit before I go, might try some more soup but have sickness tablets on standby incase I get the queasiness again.
Hope my wooden block turns up tomorrow, got the poem printed so got everything I need but the wood to get started! Anxious to make a start incase I royally feck it up and need a plan b! X
Hey Hun. Yes I'm really excited although a bit nervous, I know it will be hard work but will be worth it!

He the protein did seem to work, I didn't think about it at the time but its the only red day I've done this week and the only day i haven't felt sick. Had the rest of the soup, it was only about half a bowlful but so far so good, hopefully the nausea is done for today!

Can't wait for Zumba :)
Aww so cute! I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to do similar Michelle, not polka dot dungarees for me (probably lol) but if I see something I may be able to replicate it.

Thanks, I hope she likes it :) x

In The Telegraph magazine on Saturday there was a model in a lovely trouser & shirt outfit, the material was lovely, so I thought I could make something similar to it. picci below it's the one on the left but you can't see the bottom of the trousers, the pattern is similar to the top of the shirt. There is an Asian shop I go to for my material, I just love the bright colours & patterns so nice, the trousers & shirt would go perfect in some Asian material.

Haha Scarlet, I was like that for my blt earlier. Proper fancy something else to munch now but I'm not actually hungry. Pizza toast isn't helping. Lol. Hopefully it is just a bit of a bug, there's plenty of time for your own kids later.

Unusual outfits. I've finally started sewing together my quilt. It is just big squares though. I'm hoping it'll make me not keep eating!
Well after only managing half a zest beer and turning down a chocolate bar ( a peanut butter kit kat no less, wtf is wrong with me!)I decided to get a test tonight. Negative as I thought by at least that's put that out my mind!
Must be some weird mutant bug that appears in the afternoon/evening! Whatever it is I hope it ruggers off soon!

Lie in tomorrow! Can not wait! Bliss!
Morning! Well so much for my lie in! Up with mike and wide awake now but I will stay in bed at least till 9 watching tv :)

Quite tempted to go shopping today, just a primark or supermarket clothes shop to stock up on some mix n match stuff as I realised I wear the same thing every week and would quite like new job to be new fresh start and some new clothes to go with it.

Breakfast probably fruit and yogurt with a coffee. Not hungry yet, think its an effect of the sickyness last night.
Lunch stir fry veg with noodles
Dinner beef pepper pot stew from one of the latest mags, can't remember which one!
Hey hun, I ended up cracking on with housework and craft project so didn't go shopping, however I did shop online :) got some jeggings, 2 tshirts, a long vest top and a short sleeved jumper all for £32! Bargains. Love Matalan and had totally forgotton about it!
Well food today has been a bit blah. Didn't have anything for breakfast as didn't fancy it. Lunch still wasnt hungry but made myself eat a banana and a satsuma, mid afternoon saw some hoops and crosses so ate those although I wasn't particularly hungry but enjoyed them.
Made the Caribbean pepper pot beef stew for dinner, having a little portion, its yummy! If I get hungry later can use my hex a and b. maybe some pizza toast :)

Mike asked if it could be pre new job nerves too, I don't feel nervous particularly but it could well be as its been going on all week. Bizarre, hopefully will settle down soon! Still got that peanut butter kit kat to have when I fancy it. Don't think a choc bar has ever lasted so long in my house!
Haha, you are lucky I'm not there to snaffle it! I'm not particularly nervous about this new job, no racing heart or butterflies, but I do keep wanting to eat and when my hands hurt when I picked up a pan this morning and I saw all the spots I twigged. Sometimes we aren't aware of what's going on in our own heads. Haha.

What bargainosity with the clothes! Nice work. I never go to matalan any more, it is just too far away, I didn't even think to look online. I need to try stuff on though. One size can mean two completely different things to different shops!

Ooh you have eaten so little *feeds you* I love your stealthy pizza toast action though. Haha.