Scatty's Food Diary

Aww I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going so great, but don't beat yourself up about it! We all eat when things are going crappy :( but you've got plenty of time to make up for it, and it sounds like you've put yourself back on track! so well done you! xx
Tuesday 9th February 2010

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

4 Slices of WW Danish Toasted:2pnts
4tsp of Flora Light: 2pnts
Total: 4pnts


1 Snack a Jacks: 1.5pnts
1 WW cookie pack: 1.5pnts
1 LC Crisp Bread: 0.5pnt
Small Chick Pea Salad: 1pnt

4 Slices of WW Danish: 2pnts
1 WW Spaghetti (lrge tin):3pnts
4tsps of Flora Light: 2pnts

Snack a Jacks Popcorn: 1.5pnts

Saved: 3pnts
Thanks Guen and Clairey for the words of encouragement they really do help, I think I am getting back on track and if nothing else I am within my points for the last 2 days.

But I have just been eating convenience food, LO is teething so just easier to pick something up and sling in the oven/open a packet/put in microwave. I am hoping for a loss on Friday but if I STS then I will be pleased. My husband wants us to go out for lunch on Valentine's day- we are taking LO with us so it'll probably be pizza hut or pizza express or something family friendly like that - so I am trying to save some points during the week - that's if we don't have another row by then! -at the moment who knows.

Wednesday 10th February 2010

Milk Allowance:1 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

4 Slices of WW Danish toasted:2pnts
4 tsp of Flora Light: 2pnts
Total: 4pnts

2 x WW Cookie Pack: 3pnts


Veggi Chilli: 3pnts
Large Portion of Steamed Basmati Rice:7pnts

Thursday 11th February 2010

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint Skimmed Milk: 2pnts


Tesco Light Choices Ploughman's Sandwich: 5.5pnts
Sunbites S/Cream n Pepper Crisps: 2pnts
Total: 7.5pnts

Large Jacket Potato:4pnts
Veggi Chilli: 3pnts
2tsp Flora Light:1pnt

Sainsburys Rice Cakes:1.5pnts
WW Cookie Pack:1.5pnts

Total: 20.5/22
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4rth Weigh In

Stayed the same, little bit disappointed but at least it isnt a gain.
Friday 12th February

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 2pnts


Oat So Simple (made up with milk allowance):1.5pnts
WW Cookie Pack: 1.5pnts
Total: 3pnts


Sun Bites Crisps:2pnts
Rice Cakes:1.5pnts
WW Marshmellow Mallows x 2:2pnts
Total: 7points

Large Portion Steamed Rice: 7 points
Mixed Veg Curry: 3pnts
large dollop of Raita made with fat free yog:1.5pnt

WW Caramel Mallow: 1pnts
Rice Cakes:1.5pnts

Total:26.5/22 Dipping into saved points(8.5pnts saved since Monday- )

New Total:22/22
Saved Points remaining: 4pnts

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Sorry u didn't lose Hun! Is it TOTM!! Looking back on urvdiary it seems lie maybe u were eating too little. Perhaps ur metabolism slowed down?
STS isn't too bad sweetie, just concentrate on all the weight you've already lost and I bet you will lose something next weigh in. Keep up the good work Hun!!!!
STS isn't too bad sweetie, just concentrate on all the weight you've already lost and I bet you will lose something next weigh in. Keep up the good work Hun!!!!

Sorry u didn't lose Hun! Is it TOTM!! Looking back on urvdiary it seems lie maybe u were eating too little. Perhaps ur metabolism slowed down?

Thanks ladies, I am eating like a woman possessed today, I just feel so hungry not sure if it's emotional eating or I am actually.

Weird, anyway, haven't updated my food diary yet but I am either close to my points or completely over.

My husband has booked for us to go to the pictures tomorrow as an early Valentine's day thing (just the 2 of us LO will be with his mum- our first night out as a couple in 5 months!)

Then on Sunday we are going to lunch as family (with LO) maybe Pizza Hut or Pizza Express, then nice home cooked dinner at home, oh and he has promised to do me pancakes on Valentines morning - So I can see this weekend being a complete load of poo in terms of sticking to points.

God, I envy people who have a "full now" switch, I have one but it is faulty!, it seems to only tell me I am full when I am sickeningly full, uncomfortably full.

Oh well, I will try and point and make healthy choices where I can.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

That is a great way to describe our 'faulty full button'!!! I don't realise when I'm full either unless I've eaten sooo much that I feel sick.... which I used to do at Carverys alot! Now I try and stop before that uncomfortable feeling starts.

Just enjoy your weekend, try and pick lowish point options but don't beat yourself up too much if you go over..... at least you've had a good time and I bet you will eat far less pointswise than you would of before you started Weight Watchers.

I'm taking my LO's out on my Valentine meal too! lol (I have 2 boys 9months and 4years) So I too know that I may go over my points depending on where we go. I find carverys best pointswise, but the kids get bored... mind you we haven't booked so it will probably just be we'll eat wherever we can get a table! lol

Hope you have a fab day Hun!!!!! And enjoy those pancakes!!!
Sat 13, Sun 14,Mon 15 February 2010

I ate and ate and then ate some more - sensible choices? ha! - feel v. bad. start afresh tomorrow, I have to find a way to get back "in the zone". I had good valentine's day though, and the whole weekend went well family and relationship wise except I decided to completely pig out and even today when I was supposed to be starting afresh I have munched and munched.

BUT- I am trying to listen to the advice I gice other folk and not completely give in, tomorrow's another day and a few days of pigging out does not(and in my case cannot!) mean I will give up on this.

Tuesday 16th Feb 2010

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

Oat So Simple Sachet (made up with milk allowance): 1.5pnts
Medium Banana: 1.5pnts
Total: 3pnts

Medium Apple: 0.5pnt
Home made cheese salad sarnie: 4pnts
Total: 4.5pnts

Large Jacket Potato:4pnts
1tsp of Flora Light: 0.5pnt
Sainsbury's Low Fat Cottage Cheese: 1.5pnts

Total: 15.5/22

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Wednesday 17th Feb 2010

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

4 Slices of WW Danish toasted w/Flora Light: 4pnts

Tesco Light Choices Veggie Curry: 4.5pnts (not very authentic tasting- v bland)
Medium Banana: 1.5pnts
SunBites Sweet Chilli Crisps: 1.5pnts

Beans on Toast with Low Fat Cheese: 7.5
Total: 7.5pnts

Medium Banana: 1.5pnts
Total: 1.5pnts

Total; 22.5/22
over by 0.5pnt will adjust points for tomorrow.

Very hungry today, really craving stodge, hearty comfort food, made my husband a sheperds pie and even though I don't eat meat I could have dived headfirst into the mash topping. I don't no what's wrong with me lately. It seems the first few weeks were dead easy and it is getting harder as I go along. I am going to my mum's this sun for a couple of days and I know food will get thrust at me (nothing traditionally unhealthy but good home cooked indian food and I am not sure I will be able to resist, however seeing as I am trying to take my own advice and take it one day at a time I am not going to start fretting about it in advance. I really really want to have a loss this week I think it will motivate me a lot more to stay on track.
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Thursday 18th Feb 2010

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

Breakfast: nowt


Philly Light n Roasted Peppers Sandwich: 5.5pnts
SunBites Cracked Pepper n Sour Cream Crisps: 2pnts


SnackaJacks Sour Cream n Chives x 2: 3.5pnts
Total: 3.5pnts

Veggi Crisp Bake: 2.5pnt
2 x Potato Waffles: 3pnts
Large portion of steamed veg: 0pnts

Subtotal: 18.5/21.5
Points saved : 2.5
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5th Weigh In - Week 5

weighed myself this morning, lost 2lbs!!!! - down to 13st 9lbs - very pleased indeed :)
Friday 19th Feb 2010

Milk Allowance: 1/2 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 1pnt

Breakfast: nowt

Homemade cheese n cucumber sandwich w/flora light, 30g low fat chedder and ww bread: 5pnts
Snack a Jacks Chilli Flavour: 1.5pnts
Total: 6.5pnts

Veggie bake: 2.5pnts
3 x Potato Waffles: 4.5pnts
Sainsbury's Low fat cottage cheese with chives: 1.5pnts
1 Portion steamed veg: 0pnt
Total: 8.5pnts

1 Pitta Bread: 2pnts
WW Choc Mousse: 2pnts
Total: 4pnts

Total: 20/22
Saved: 2pnts
Wednesday 24th Feb 2010

Have been away at my mums since sunday, not been pointing as didn't have my laptop with me, pretty sure I have been over on occassion but I have on the whole made sensible choices, not sure I did so great on portion control (always a down fall of mine). I also have a raging cold, can't taste or smell anything - so maybe that had something to do with not over indulging as much as I normally do. Oh and just to top it off it's my totm at the moment - flipping excellant! - not sure if it will be a loss or a gain or sts this friday but doing the whole"one day at a time" mantra - figured I say it other people often enough I might as well take my own advice.

But back to pointing again today.

Milk Allowance: 1 Pint of Skimmed Milk: 2pnts

4 slices of WW Danish with low fat spread: 4pnts
Total: 4pnts


Go Ahead Bar: 1.5pnts
2 biscuits:3pnts
Snack A Jacks:2pnts


3 x Potato Waffles: 4.5pnts
Large portion steamed veg: 0pnts
Half a can of baked beans: 2pnts

Total: 19/22

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