Scotbean's diary started 14/01/12 :-) xx

Glad to have you back, don't blame you for being exhausted you've had quite a schedule to keep on top of! I went for an off plan meal today with the OH for an early valentines. 29days of 100%, didn't go on a mad one, just stuck to lean meat, cabbage etc. But had one potato and parsnip but had a fair bit of gravy. So If I am out of ketosis, we can help eachother through the next few days anyway! x
Welcome back scotbean. Yes we missed you :). Always good to get people back in the fold. Good luck getting back into ketosis and I hope it's easier for you this time than last time, but at least you know what to expect :)
Welcome home! Hope you had a realy good week. I can understand the not wanting to weigh but hopefully you will be back into ketosis quickly and have a nice surprise next weekend! Good to have you back again!
right so I have decided I REALLY don't like crispy choc shake without any milk at all - pretty yeuch!! Will stick to a splash of milk in it.

Not feeling too bad today - headache might be creeping up not sure - I keep drinking water and had a shake and a bar so far.

Braved the scales - should manage to get below 16/2 by Saturday if I stay 100% (Which I WILL!!!) so that would mean overall loss within two weeks which I would be very happy with in the circumstances. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx
Good luck Scotty, bet you will fall below 16st 2 no problem. Glad your back in the swing of it. I was feeling same as you with the 2lbs, but it just goes to show that the weight loss can fluctuate, I lost quite a few pounds last week!
Keep it up, and I am sure the 15s won't be on the scale for long either! xx
Sorry sorry!!! I am still around!! Scales were at 16/1 this morning. Fingers crossed they stay down!! Sorry not been on I've been so busy at work and home. Bad headaches too :(

How's everyone?? xxxx
Glad you're still with us scotty. The headache will go eventually as you know from before. Hopefully tomorrow :)
Glad you're still powering through scotty! Also glad the scales are being good to! Fingers crossed for a nice loss this weekend! xxx
Argh I am finding it hard to stay 100% after my days off last week sorry guys!!! I need to get back in the zone as I was so good the first three weeks!!!

I am keeping up diary so I don't get completely demotivated. I am not disappearing. I am getting back on this properly!!!
I am def doing it. I just need to get in the zone. Every day is a new day!!!! xxxx
Thats the spirit! Wait, thats a bit patronising oops but I like that attitude.

Tomorrow is a new day for me- I WILL BE AS CLOSE TO 100% AS IS SODDING WELL POSSIBLE!

Not giving up now, or I'll be sitting outside Tesco trying to swap packs for food!
We can do it, need to all stick together, just think for everytime theres a cheat, or off plan binge, or blip, it could mean an extra week on the plan, another week away from goal.

It is bloody hard, I had a taste of carvery sunday, and I've found the past few days really hard, but I am not going to get anywhere by straying off plan now, the weights coming off and that's never happened before. We can do it, just gotta take it one day at a time, and before you know it, we will be at the end of 8 weeks, almost 5 down now guys, I know theres been a week not totally on plan Janet but you have still committed alot of days at 100%! You know you can do it. x
That's what worries me...the day normal food passes my lips i can imagine it is so difficult to get back in control....but you can do it Scotbean lots of us here willing you along :)
That is the difficulty once you stray off. It is difficult to get totally back into it. I am going to do it!!! Tomorrow I am going to come on here if I feel like straying. I only need a couple of days and I'll be back in it properly. Xxx