Scotsmists Take on Life!!!!!! And everything else :-)

Thanks girlies!
Sorry, my laptop at home is playing up sooner do I get into the site that it throws me out! Getting fed up with it as it doesnt give me time to even post!!! So, giving up on it and reckon the thing is passed its sell by date!!! :-(

So, we did some harvesting of spuds last night.....WELL, I have never ever ever in my life seen a spud this size was huge!! Seriously.......OH is going to take a photo of it! We got blight on some of the spuds so have had to lift them earlier but just as well we lifted them as I cant imagine how big they would have been....reckon at least 30-40kg!! AND still got two beds yet to pick!! OH MY WORD!ahaha...guess who is going to be a potato head this winter!

At WI tonight. Not holding out much for it...still suffering form ToTM and still really really bloated so fed up with it.! I havent gone over my allowance but I KNOW I have either STS or put on a lb, but I know it aint fat, so not that worried but just frustrating more than anything...just keep telling myself that the whole thing is not about losing weight but getting a grip :)!!! So, will just have to ride this month out I think.

All up in the air with holidays to be honest!! Our holiday to Turkey Dec/Jan has to be paid for now and the flights have doubled in price!!!, we have decided it is too much like hard work and stress trying to find a holiday in September...we just couldnt decide...we saw lots but just kept changing our minds all the time. So, got Thur/Fri off this week..

I am having some Bee training on Thursday, mmmm...not sure about this but have to try it and see whether I panic. If I do, then I know that I will just have to watch from afar. Thankfully, the bees at the association are quite gentle and not aggressive! Still not 100% convinced ;-)
We are still holding out for London as the flat should be finished with refurb in about 4 weeks time...then we will just look forward to Turkey from 26 December to 6 Jan! I have 2 weeks still to take so will try and fit things in, but hey ho...will just have to do a few nice relaxing things when off!

All ok at this end ;-)!!

Take care
Lovely to hear from you again Iris.

Glad you aren't thinking of weigh ins as a bad thing and it's not all about losing weight. You have done so well on this plan and really do have a grip of what you are eating, which is so much more important.

Can't wait to see the pic of your giant spud!

Take care.
Yes I look forward to seeing that too ;)

That problem with your laptop doesn't sound that serious Iris - just something to do with settings I'd guess.

Never mind giving up on that holiday --- you NEED it! AND you BOTH need the time alone together doing nothing but nurturing your relationship!! So get it sorted - YA HEAR???!!! ;) xxx
Laptop basically needs a new battery.....the power supply isnt even charging the battery and this is the problem.....but I dont want a new one to be it stops me from getting on with things and I am learning not to have it!!!!

Anyway, WI was off last night. Friend couldnt make it and I couldnt get there on my own, but I am ok with this.

I just went home and sowed some turnip and swede and then Ted the farmer and OH went up to sort out the NEXT HIVE for Friday and then he came in for some tea and cake! He left at 10pm and then I had to start making tea for OH :)

Made some courgette chutney..oh, it does smell nice and it will be ready in 2-3 weeks and will last for a year or so!!! Got 4 large jars now :)

Doing well and off to coreball tonight and feeling I am getting along quite nicely with my new attitude!! Not saying there wont be tough times ahead, but in the large scheme of things I seem to be able to cope with that...GO GIRL!

As usual, rushed!! As I am in work....but, thinking of you all.

Take care
Ooooh courgette chutney - sounds delish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool:
I just love reading your posts at the moment Iris, your attitude is so positive and happy right now. Good for you. Enjoy your coreball later!

Keep this positive attitude going, it really suits you!
Yes indeed GO GIRL!!! :) You're doing really really well.

Don't disappear though :eek: xxx
Don't disappear though :eek: xxx

Yer, please dont!!!!!!! :p

Iris! I went into a charity shop today and had a mooch around and found a book on the GI diet for £1.50 so picked it up. Think im going to follow this as think i need a straight forward plan thats strict but not - iykwim. So be prepared for some questions firing your way next week when i plan to crack on with it! :D :giggle:
Hi Iris, great to see you are still full of positivity. I am sure if you are meant to have a new computer, you will have one, but IKWYM about the computers keeping you away from what you should be doing - but in your case, I think its great to see you on the computer, at least you get to have a sit down.........I still get exhausted reading on what you do lol.
Iris, you sound so at one with the world just now. It is wonderful that life is going so well for you. Busy, yes, but productive and rewarding.
If you do not get a holiday booked make sure and make time to spend relaxing together and not trying to get a million and one things done. Keep up that positivity, it rubs off on us all!
awww...missed you all!!!
DH has been letting me use his computer, but with it being a Mac, I can only get into certain things, plus it is what he uses for the business and worried to do certain things on it :)

Anyway, he has been sourcing a new laptop for me...bless his wee cotton socks!!! I might just get a notebook as I only use it for the internet and dont really need anything too bulky...but will leave it is his capable hands :)

Well, my few days off were...mmm...different to say the least!!!

I braved it and went to the Apiary and was shown inside my first hive!! Well, for those that know me on FB, you will no doubt have had a wee giggle at some of my stances and body movements :)!! It was absolutely wonderful and I think I may be hooked, although still a little frightened...realised two things...1) I didnt like those latex gloves they gave me to wear!! OH has his leather ones but they didnt want me to wear them as they were too thick...I felt rather naked and on reflection wish I had put his on....... 2) I need earplugs! It is the buzzing noise I dont like and so I think I will invest in a pair of earplugs until I get used to them buzzing around me!! Fascinating little things though..

That was the day that there was floods everywhere and the roads were so dangerous....could hardly see in front of us but I had to get to the hairdressers!! AND HAVE NOW GONE A SHADE OF BLOND!!! Still trying to get used to it, and still not sure if it is me, but I do like it....the jury is out though and will just see how it goes in the next few weeks as to whether I decide to go back to dark, but the old grey hair is showing through far too soon now and to be honest, if I didnt dye every 6 wks I know I would be completely grey and I have just got to accept, best way is to go lighter and in the next 10 or so years it wont be such a shock IF and only IF I decide to bear the grey (doubt it though)!!!1

Then we went for a Turkish meal!!!! Had three courses!!!!!! Was rather naughty and it did almost send me on the wrong course if I am honest (2 days worth of just not eating sensibly and making incorrect choices)!!!! But got back on course on Sunday and am fine :)

Realised a few things about me.......boredom!! I want to eat when I am bored and I wonder if that is why I am running around all the time?????????? Need to address this. And, again, that old thing about getting out of my routine where it send me in a backward spin! So, I am learning and I know it isnt plain sailing,,not going to lie to you all, but I am remaining positive and still enjoying my new attitude :)

Friday was miserable.....rain, rain, rain and food shopping which I hate doing!!!! BUT we didnt do anything other than sit about and laze!!! And the same goes for fact, I even went to bed for a few hours on Saturday afternoon!!!

Sunday was better and we were out in the allotment ALL day and got lots done! We have more spuds than before and well they will last till next year for definite! Onions are like big dinner plates...well, small dinner plates then :)!! They are absolutely amazing....must photograph them and those big spuds!!! Not got round to doing that yet.

All in all a good week, but missing being on here! I am trying to catch up on FB but dont feel comfortable as I like to sit on the sofa, watch TV and mess around but now I am time limited.....well, not really, but I feel all alone up in his office :-(

Anyway, I will try and catch up with everyone's posts later on I just wanted to give you a lowdown no how I am doing.

Thanks for all your messages and dont worry I wont disappear...just a bit awkward at present with the computer, but I will be back!!!!

Tanya, hope the book is helpful!!!! Irish is the Queen of GI as is Jan :) :) :)

Take care
Hi Iris, just loved that last post of yours. There's always so much going on in your life!

Glad you had an easy weekend and even went for a nap! Good for you.

Hope hubby gets you a laptop sorted soon, miss reading your posts everyday on here.

Glad you are in control and enjoying life at the moment. How does it feel to be blonde then? They do say blondes have more fun!! I'm a shade of blonde too at the moment and getting some all over highlights put in, in 2 weeks by my daughter at the salon she now works at! Perks of having a hairdresser as a daughter.

Stay in touch xx
Loved the pics on FB Iris, I had a wee giggle at them.

Boredom is definitely the key to start eating, I always find my days in work are fine, but when I am off and finished doing everything I need to do, thats when the picking notion starts.
Loved the pics on FB Iris, I had a wee giggle at them.

Boredom is definitely the key to start eating, I always find my days in work are fine, but when I am off and finished doing everything I need to do, thats when the picking notion starts.

Here here!!!!! Boredom sucks! :giggle:
Wow you are brave going into the hive, good an ya, It is a most wonderful hobby to have so fair dues to you getting interested in it.
I'm really glad to hear you managed to have some 'down' time at the weekend my love. You soooo deserve it.

Nice to see you getting 'into' the bees as well - at first you said they were Tunc's 'thing' and you wouldn't be going near so good on ya girl ;)

You might have something there about why you keep yourself so busy and there's nothing wrong with keeping busy so you're not bored and aren't tempted to 'pick' but you do take it to the extreme!! ;) :D Lol! xx

I'm really glad to hear you managed to have some 'down' time at the weekend my love. You soooo deserve it.

Nice to see you getting 'into' the bees as well - at first you said they were Tunc's 'thing' and you wouldn't be going near so good on ya girl ;)

You might have something there about why you keep yourself so busy and there's nothing wrong with keeping busy so you're not bored and aren't tempted to 'pick' but you do take it to the extreme!! ;) :D Lol! xx

Hello my wee pal....yes, I do take things to the extreme but you know when I look back over the years I never really did very much and maybe that was why I became so fat. I loved cross-stitching, but that doesnt exactly involve moving my body, and I would sit and eat and eat and, maybe subconciously I have got more busier to avoid this?? Not sure, although everything I do I love and enjoy which makes life so pleasurable...even work (sometimes get bored and fed up but generally I enjoy going to work)!!!

Anyway, thanks Jan, you are always there for me and always keeping me on the straight and narrow :)

Well, yesterday has been and gone. Lost 1lb :) Well chuffed with that, and almost at the stone loss with RC Plan....if I get that next week, great, if not, great again :) I just feel so good.......We did a Boxercise class last night!! FANTASTIC! I have always wanted to try kick boxing (did it once when I was in my teens), and so enjoyed it last night! both my friend and I werent really keen to stay to the exercise class but we did and so glad we did as well :)!!!

New bees arrived and having to buy another few frames so that we can instal them in their new home permanently :) Yes, I feel I am part of them now rather than it just being OH, but I wont do any of the cleaning, etc.....but just having an interest and knowing about them is lovely :)

Not much else to report at this end...still no laptop but such is life :) I am having a night on my own tonight..oh....that doesnt happen often as we are always together. OH is at a Bee meeting and I think it is right that he goes on his own without me (I can take over sometimes)!! So, I havent planned anything and might just get chance to WATCH TV :) :)!!!

Hope you are all doing well, AND what has happened with our meet? Is it on/off/October/next year? I have lost track completely! I am still free end of Oct :)
Well done on the 1lb off Iris and hope you get your stone next week. You've done so well on this plan and seem so happy since being on it. It obviously suits you and your busy lifestyle very well.

Glad you liked the boxercise. I've always been tempted to try the boxing training, not the fighting, just the training. Been told it's one of the best forms of exercise going, really fancy it too!! May give it a go.
It was absolutely fab Bev!! Didnt feel like exercise at all, even although using arms and legs :) Just so different to the same old!!!

Thanks re: loss :)

How are you doing? You cant be that far off refeeding!!
Well done on you 1lb Iris!! Great stuff - I'm glad you're feeling good about things now I really am.

I can still do end of Oct too ... I think the issue was with Tan and possibly being away from bf 2 weekends on the trot and if he would mind. I remember saying 'ask him' but I don't think any more was said ...... ??? xx

Enjoy your evening, I like being on my own sometimes :D x