yeah hun partner in crime is back lol together we can crack it !!!!!
I have got a bit further to go this time
im off to beautiful days the one i went last year ....hippys galore love it ...
Im going with a friend me and her dressed as ladybirds lol
Not heard of that one - will google tomorrow - must be good to go back a second year running!!
poor OH has been away in Denmark and Ireland since last Tuesday and may not be back till Thursday night or Friday morning and then im off lol so I wont see a lot of him and then hes left holding the kids , this is only my second time away from them and ive never done 2 nights still im sure daddy will spoil them lol
OOH "me time" you lucky thing
anyway back to normal daily posting
did a carboot today didnt make loads but enough , the kids came which cost more than normal and of couse they found all the stuff ive been trying to dump lol !!!
I've been trying to get rid of things on the QT also, I hide what I've covertly removed, if it's not asked for after a while....'tis gone
...haven't tried carbooting though, not yet....doesn't fit with the insomniac in me...unless they start doing moonlight carboots
found out why im wanting full belly , oh yes totm is back again sure im setting a record here still , i lost last week on the run up to it so i may be ok and sts or lose again this week , but with the festy an sts would be
Think I'm about that time again myself
sucks but I wont be swayed...lets kick Mother Nature's arse together 
right going to watch the end of Ocean giants then early night as the fresh air may have actually worn me out for a change !!!!