Scrumpers diary the revenge !!!!

extra thoughts.... ensure bed is comfy and bedroom is cool :).... read that on a medical sight once.....

also lavender bath foams (warm bath a little before bed)...lavender on your pillow a few drops....

turkey, lettuce, oats....I think all these promote sleepy stuff... :)

always get up and go to bed at the same time +/- 1 hr ...

hth xxx
I heard that Johnsons baby bedtime bubble bath is great as it's packed with lavender and sleepy smells. Could try having a bath with that just before bed?
lol i love you lot ..... no ive too much going on in my mind i think
Im going to sleep on the sofa tonight as i have a memory foam matress and i bought it aroung the same time as my breathing problems began just want to do and experiment to see if a few nights on the sofa make a difference
it's mad - when I was suffering with the insomnia I always slept better on the sofa :eek:....wonder if there's something in that....let us know how it goes hun xx
also if you've a lot going on in your head...get it written down in a book...I think a lot of troubles stem from keeping it all "up there"....

I used journalling and mind mapping with good results xxx
I was a terrible insomniac, but then I got so desperate that I ended up buying a self-hypnosis mp3 from a website. Whilst I don't feel asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow (unlike my lucky husband), I find it much easier to get some sleep now.

The woman's voice is lovely and very relaxing to listen to.
cheers all ...i think i may get a goods nights sleep when i do something i have to do, iykwim
Oh another insomniac here who sleeps better on the sofa than in bed (listening to hubby snoring!!). The only thing I've found that helps is to have caffeine free coke and coffee after 2pm and am now quite fanatical about it. I think I have tried absolutely every other suggestion and nothing works or helps me at all.

I was given industrial strength sleeping tablets in hospital as I hadn't slept in three nights and they couldn't stablise my heart beat (I get palpatations when exhausted) and even those didn't put me to sleep. I'm a nightmare when it comes to sleep.
grr been bad had a mouthful of mash and a bite out of a mini toad in the hole thats all though
Not to worry, sounds like you could have done much worse - toad in the hole would be hard to say no to at the best of times! Plenty of water and be good tomorrow!
lol i love a good spanking !!!! mash was a teaspoon full and the toad was the mini ones fault for not doing tea at the same time as the kids ....... need to shop tomorrow the fridge is snackless !!!! this diet can be expensive !!
another problem tonight my eldest has spots on his checks forhead and behind his ears god knows doubt a trip to the drs tomorrow
morning all ...still not slept littlest up anddown in the night still will end up asleep sometime
was supposed to be on my course today but the eldest not allowed to school with the rash he has and cant get him in the drs till 4 so hes home and i can get on with stuff as he will be glued to his computer all day .......

for food today actually got to tesco so have meat in again

B dukan toast and poached egg
L dukan salmon sandwich
D CHICKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol i love a good spanking !!!!

Ooh err missus! ;) :D lol x

need to shop tomorrow the fridge is snackless !!!! this diet can be expensive !!

yup it's cheaper to be an unhealthy overweight person :( my main gripe with healthy living :p

another problem tonight my eldest has spots on his checks forhead and behind his ears god knows doubt a trip to the drs tomorrow

ooh any ideas what it could be hun? anything doing the rounds locally at the mo? x

morning all ...still not slept littlest up anddown in the night still will end up asleep sometime
was supposed to be on my course today but the eldest not allowed to school with the rash he has and cant get him in the drs till 4 so hes home and i can get on with stuff as he will be glued to his computer all day .......

for food today actually got to tesco so have meat in again

B dukan toast and poached egg
L dukan salmon sandwich
D CHICKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you try the sofa thing? Have you not had ANY sleep at all? :( it's not good for your metabolism y'know hun xxxx
hey hun
the school secretary said it looks like slap cheek but i think thespots are different it looks like impetigo or measles to me hes had the jabs but you never know , hes happy hes playing some online lego game , my friends daughter who haqs CF is at her home (to ill for school at the mo ) and they are playing together , so sweet , hes going to be gutted when she does leave us xxx

i sat on the sofa and wrote up my report for today , even missed parts of true blood to get it done , now cant hand it in as hes home lol
tried to sleep but sofa not long enough and littlest was upstairs walking round so went back to bed with her in the end slept from about 4 to 7 ish . I feel ok today im cleaning at the moment so hope to be knackered tonight
dear lord give me the motivation to clean this house !!!
That's why I come to work Tan... gets me out of doing the cleaning!
lol thats not helping !!!