Sean's Dukan Dip

On LL I went ~ 20lbs lighter than I intended to, and TBH was too light.

Am currently a little over my 'preferred' weight so looking to lose a bit again.

Will update when I have chance :)
1.5 - 2 stone
ah ok thanks Sean :D
A quick update:

So having spent 3 days away from home (and on a version of attack (although I had included pork and a little lamb)), I returned on Thursday and had a PV day - was intended to be PP, but my wife thought we should go out as there was no food in the house, so we went to the local that has just re-opened as a Chinese.

Difficult choices, but I had Thai Chili Prawns with mixed veg - delicious, not much sauce (thankfully) but very flavoursome.

Friday was back to PP, egg breakfast, gammon & Gallette lunch (I know, pork again, bit all fat cut off) then prawns dry-fried in spices for supper.

Saturday I again tried to keep as PP (well my version) and had Muller light breakfast, steak & prawns lunch and a salmon fillet for dinner with Gallette :)

So, I know I'm not exactly following all of the good Doctor's recommendations, but I re-read my RTM journal from last year's Lighter Life losses and came to a few conclusions about variery (especially of meats) and weight losses.

Also (and you will not want to hear this), I did have a glass of wine on Friday evening, and a couple more last night (red). Again I know these are not permitted and that alcohol is 'empty calories', but I also know that I should be able to continue losing weight provided I am realistic and controlled.

So, long story short and weigh-in this morning - 10lb lost :)

Mostly this will be glycogen and water but a great start.

I'm now 4lb above my top range 'healthy' weight but think I'd like to lose another 14-18lb in total to get to near the bottom of the range. However, I am in no hurry. I think Dukan/Low carb/Healthy eating, is a regime that can/should become a habit so if I'm still here in a couple of months, no worries.

Sorry I'm not a great example to follow, but I'll plough on with what feels natural.

Well done sean. I have to say that although you have been as good as you can be you know you have eaten foods that are not allowed on dukan but are allowed on the atkins and reading through your meals again it sounds more like you have been following that. It really doesnt matter as it has worked for you. Well done. Not too far to go now!
Well done on your -10lbs Sean, your approach is realistic for you whichis all that matters.
well done you!!!!!!
Yes, thanks - all good (if not 'strictly Dukan').

Great weekend for exercise, got my bike overhauled and went out on Sat and Sunday for total of about 3 hours - I'm sure it never hurt quite that much when I was a kid! lol

Also a good hour of walking over the weekend, and feeling great :)

Sunday was PV day.

Scrambled egg breakfast
Chicken gallette lunch with salad
Roast beef in tomato & onion sauce (home made) with steamed veg
Home made rhubarb compot (kids had as a crumble), simply fresh rhubarb, sweetener and a dash of water - delicious and very filling.

And so we move into week 2. I'm definately more focussed by logging here and would like to lose 4 lb by next Friday (13th) as we're away for the weekend in London :)

sounds good Sean.
Yum I love rhubarb. Good luck for next week.
I wish I could get my bike fixed, I really want a new one, but I cant afford it, but I love cycling, its great up here too all the hills, some are really tough but then you get to wizz down them at high speed lol.
Well done, great result.
And so to another week. Monday back at work and a more regular day.

Egg breakfast then Gallette (egg free) with beef for lunch.

Dry fried steak and chicken with garlic for dinner, Seafood sticks as snacks and Muller light (toffee :) ) in the evening.

A good 30 minutes walk at lunchtime and 60 mins + in the evening.

All around an excellent PP day :)
Briliant Sean :D
Friday's a good day to weigh in, so yes I'll join you then :)

Yesterday was stupid busy so missed out on any exercise (although I did spend quiet a lot of time running up and down stairs so hopefully that counts).

Food wise, no problems but I did eat a pack of turkey breast as a 'snack' in the early evening as I was hungry and hadn't yet had chance to prepare my dinner.

Cooked bangers & mash for the family ( :( ), but abstained myself :)

See you all later

Oh, one thing, I make the gallette just by mixing oat bran with 1 table spoon of 0% yoghurt, not tried it with egg as don't want to eat too many, but can you remind me why the oatbran? I assume it's not digested (can't put finger on the book today).

yey another friday weigher!! well done on abstaining. I dont know if i could with mash - proper comfort food !

the oatbran helps fill you and helps flush out fat!!