Well did you get the game hun? I was playing on mine last night and was on it for about 4 hours

I love it though, you'll have to let me know which minigames you don't like - I hate Derby Dash and the one where the babies cry! I got addicted to playing Globe Trot last night, played about 4 rounds of it! I wish it had Wi-Fi as we could have played each other on it.
No need to apologise hunnie, its your opinion and you're entitled to that (and you're quite right too!) I paid £34.99 for my Wii Party with controller but I got it on pre-order as I didn't want to wait, so I got it delivered on its day of release
I want a few games at the moment but they're all £30 and I don't think any of them are worth that much so I'm going to see if there are any reductions after Christmas.
By the way I love the sound of the games you bought, they sound fantastic, I really want Monopoly Streets too, I was waiting for the price to go down, gonna see if I can grab myself a bargain with it.
Let me know what you think of Wii Party hun, I like your little reviews of things! Hows the cats too?

Wii Party is great, thanks for asking. Been playing that and Monopoly Street for over half the day with my hubby today, while he has been off.
Not sure of the names at the mo, but the one where the barrel falls and you have to stop it before it hits you is fun. Not to keen on the ski jump one, as I have only made two successful jumps so far.
Not played glob trotting yet, looked a bit naff when I saw it being played by someone on youtube, gona give that a try tomorrow as my hubby was interested in that..
Been mainly playing the board game and the roulette one, and have already unlocked expert opponents but I personally think there idea of beginner of intermediate opponents is weird, cause sometimes I don't notice the difference in difficulty..(Could just be me)
I have also played the 1 player mini game with 30 levels where you have to get to the watering can and water the plant, without getting stuck (cant think of the name, hopefully you know which one I'm on about) Took me less then 35mins to do 29 levels, silly thing is, still can't get passed the last level. Did try once but haven't had a chance to try it again since I first got the game
Monopoly Street is great, though when you have won enough games or simply racked up enough money to unlock other boards, watch out for the sweets board lol. Best not play it when your having a 'diet off day' as I landed on a property called Profiteroles, (my hubbies favourite) he so wanted some right then LMAO.
Its great, I mean not only can you unlock different boards or more characters to play (and even your own Mii to play as) but there are different modes/games you can play. The one I like the most is using Speed Dice, where after the first time round the board, you get an extra dice, which either gives you a number (so you can go further on the board) or a bus symbol and you chose where to get off (think its depends on what you rolled on the two dice you already have) or a Mr Monopoly symbol which moves you to the next free property on the board (automatically) if there are any free. Nice little twist to the game.. There are others but that my favourite so far..
Oh and the cats are fine thanks, the tree is still in once piece LMAO. Still cracks me up watching Suzie go for a bauble with her tiny paws and bat one enough times to get it off the tree, only to find one of the other cats has started playing with it. Its like, all that hard work to get the bauble off the tree and someone else stole it from her lol (poor thing) kind of deserves it me thinks for taking it off the tree in the first place...
We just redid the living-room (in our two bed flat) as my Dad just got me a wall bracket for our TV as my Christmas/Birthday present (plus the nephew who said he would help us wall mount it, kindly came and helped us do that on Sunday). We are thinking of having kids, and well wether we do now or in the next few years, we needed to get the dinning table out of the second bedroom and into the living-room, and could only do that with the TV being wall mounted.
Its took me about 30 mins to get used to sitting so much closer to our big TV and I think the cats were like WTH with everything being moved around.
NB it could just be me, but noticed sitting closer it is much easier to read what is on screen when playing a game on Monopoly Streets. Where we used to sit I sometimes had trouble reading (exactly) what different game modes were, like when I tried to read exactly what Speed Dice mode was. We do have quite a big TV so didn't think it would have been a problem at all.
Ooh sorry for posting so much, haven't been on here for a few days, due to not being at home on my own for the last couple days, and having tried Wii Party and Monopoly, just thought I would let you know what I thought. Though probably could have written more, but I think I've written more then enough for now