Hi all

Lots of good stuff being posted
Toola great to hear you picked up a 5 and have started week 3 with it, I bet it feels alot harder, but know that your going to get quicker and better results

It wont be long and it will feel like a feather lol
Trimlee doing great

Cardio week 2 isnt as bad a sweek 1 is it lol Is it the seated figure of 8s causing problems? If so, just keep trying, your core needs to strengthen some more, and that will be happening really quickly!
Mama glad to hear you are achy lol People must tink we are a bit barmy liking that good feeling

Concentrate on using your ab muscles to help take the strain off your back when doing any seated moves with kbs. I had a back injury and the bells have really helped by strengthening my core virtually eliminating the pain I had 24hrs a day!
Susie with the baseball catcher move, practice your squat position, it may be that you need your feet wider apart to keep your heels down as Toola suggested. Alternatively do them standing, feet shoulder width apart and raising up onto your toes, make it a bit harder and do a shoulder press as well

Great to hear you can start seeing some results! I started noticing it in my arms after a couple of weeks, its a great motivator, but dont be stroking yourself in public lol Hope Week 2 core goes ok, it can seem hard, but as your core builds it will get easier. Awesome result on your weight loss this week, not bad for swinging an hour a week
Shirleen you did get it bad! Hope your cold goes away and you can get to the gym, just go easy
cjeb welcome, I have some cheap dvds linked into my signature, I would recommend Lauren Brooks
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lauren-Broo...UTF8&coliid=IWU1Z7DN03JOI&colid=34II1RT1AK0CC or if you really want a toughie K