Hi All

Sorry not been on for a couple of days, been a bit busy, but now its the weekend so lots of time to catch up
Biggy half way thru round 3 all ready! Time is flying by. I can fully understand the driving force to want to continue this shaping up journey, its just such a shame its winter time and not able to wear strappy tops to show off those defined arms and shoulders

I wonder what other body parts you will be ready to show off to the world come spring time and how much you will need to have your dress taken in come the big day
Hi Nicki welcome, have you dcided on getting kw? I agree with the other belles who suggest upping the weight, 10lb or 5kg bell may seem heavy but you will cope and before you know it will have that weight mastered
Mama great to hear your using your 8 for most of the session, cant wait till you have a go with your 10 for some moves - those inches will melt away

And your 8 deserves to go on holiday with you lol not sure if you will be able to take many clothes as that will eat up your luggage allowance! Where you jetting off to?
Chelsea lol no thanks, cant stand politics, altho it would be good to challenge the opposition to a swing to settle those policy decsions, and get everyone too knackered to mumble on for hours

Good to hear you have started and got week 1 core done with a few little after aches being felt. Great to hear you held that plank, thats normally a killer when first starting out. Hope you get the freezing dvd problem sorted, and keep up your photo journal, even if it is for your eyes only, as can be seen by others photos it really makes those body shape changes a reality
Sue lol lets hope there are lots of bells wrapped up under that christmas tree for those that want one - poor santa having to fill his sack with those bad boys
Trimlee I find a 12 tough, never mind a 16 lol Great to hear your week 3 results, and your sts will drop, its happening if you can feel a difference with your clothing becoming a bit looser! Good set of goals for the next 3 weeks, so I am looking forward to updated stats
Maggie starting week 3, I really dont know where the time goes lol good luck with week 3 cardio, and yes the advanced is a bit harder as there are a few more moves introduced, but saying that I still find the first set hard at times as moving up in weight challenges you more
Susie good results for week 3, its amazing what a total of 3 hours work out can achieve
Joanne good to hear your setting a swinging countdown to christmas goal

Enjoy resistance
Martin Hope your week starts getting better, and you get back into your routine, life can get in the way sometimes! Totally agree about popping on to this thread and hearing of the achievements, it makes my day
Hi Chick, still got that cold lurking, hope you feel better soon x
Donzy you will get us a bad name with all that stroking lol