Morning Swingers! Up bright and early to pack Mr Sue off to pick up the meat from the butchers. WI this morning and pleased to report another 2lb loss. Been pretty strict this week and only had a couple of mince pies and a couple of fancy biscuits at the office, which was good considering I was literally surrounded by boxes of Quality Street, Roses, Miniature Heroes, Biscuits, Victoria Sponges and a Pavlova!! It was like working in hell!
Before Mr S went out, he got his tape measure out and I have some fantastic results - my best yet:
Arms: Right -0.5cm, Left -1cm
Thighs: Right -2cm, Left -1cm
Waist: -3cm
Hips: -13cm (no wonder my jeans are falling off me)
Bust: -6cm (poor Mr Sue

All told the total loss for Round 3 is 26.5cm, my biggest yet.

I am gobsmacked and delighted. I can really feel it in my clothes even though I think I suffer from that body dismorphyia (sp??) thing and can't really see it when I look in the mirror.
So for anyone ho humming about getting on the programme, in the 3 rounds I have done, I have progressed from a 3kg to a 7.5kg and have lost a whopping 61cm, which is 24" for us oldies! I don't completely attribute my weight loss to it, although its definately helping, as I am doing Weight Watchers and rarely go off plan.
So that's me. Might even do a quick Fast Fat Burn before I jump in the shower. :character00115: