Hi all
Back to work today

but on the plus side, no goodies about to munch on lol I decided to wear my loose trousers, and it was a bit depressing to find they were snug, so more determined to eat better and swing!
Sue bet you have loads of space in your drawers now

It is great to try on old stuff to find they are far too big. Hope your first day back at work went well
Chelsea if you can move up in weight you will see better changes, see Sues stats for proof. About week 4 I moved up, altho would drop down to my 10lb whenever i needed to, but as long as your challenged you will be working yourself, but heavier does equal better results
Hi suseka welcome to swinging

I agree with Sue in upgrading to the 10lb or getting a 5kg in the sales, Aldi are selling some 5s for a really good price, I think Tesco have a sale on too, altho not sure how much they are
Cleogin great to have you back

and starting with the dreaded week 1 cardio lol, still cannot be as bad as your PT?
fatnomore kw must be a breeze compared to class

doing them will definitley compliment the class and keep that calorie burning throughout the week. Keep us updated on how your getting along
Joanne hope you get to Aldis ok, dont park too far away and have to lug that 7.5 too far lol
herewego good to hear you got it done, even if the kids were trying to put you off. Can be difficult to get swinging, but as they say, you do feel better for it, and your getting on really well using your 7 for most of the workout
Hi Donzy sounds like a very munchy christmas

me too, and even if the gain doesnt show a loss in measurements, it wont take long before you catch up x
Trimlee looking forward to using a 10

It sounds so heavy (and feels it when you first get one) but it is quite surprising how your body adjusts, but I suppoise you should get to grips with your 7.5 first
Hi Jess sounds like your very focused, hows your new puppy, sorry i completely forgot to ask previously. i bet s/he will be giving you some extra workouts with walks and runs once its old enough
Martin dont think I could lift a 20kg lol what weight are you using now? Steaming ahead of the instructor and time already

Windmills are my favs, shame your body doesnt like them, but there are always other moves you can do. I can understand Mrs Ds viewpoint with those competition bells lol
Hi Fudgie, you cannot be any lazier than me lol, i too suffered from an accident, huge weight gain and lack of exercise, constant pain, etc. The bells altho can be purchased quite heavy are not like weight lifting, but is a form of strength based training, and even a 5kg can feel like a tonne on some moves! I have some example moves in my signature, and youtube has some really good clips (just dont get too put off by some of the men swinging 2 huge bells), i also have details of cheap dvds available if you wanted to give it a go without too much cost being involved. i can say they are brilliant, quick, fun and get some superb inch loss, but you will need the motivation to actually use them
Shirleen hows your abs? hope your feeling better and looking forward to your next workout
Well, Mr Kron did what he said and started kw today, I joined him and we did week 1 core, loved it, I used my 12 as he had my 10, and apart from the spelling of kw where my arms were shaking holding the bell over my head, so I let the handle rest lightly on the floor, I managed ok. I hopefully have convinced him that when he is done redoing this 6 weeks, he moves up to advanced, he has only done one of the advanced workouts, and thats cos he joined me one time, and i didnt tell him lol