Hey all,
For those of you waiting to purchase your kb's from Aldi. I just gave their customer service centre a call and was told that they've been cancelledShe couldn't give a reason, just that they've been withdrawn.
I did ask if it was just my local store all nationwide - and she said nationwide. You may want to check with your local store first though, before trying to get them elsewhere.
So I'm going to try Tesco or Sainsbury over the weekend and if I can't get any that way, I'll be ordering a 5kg online - does anyone know a good site for this, other than the Kettleworx one? I'm would like to get ones similar to those though.
Okay how is this.
Warm up
1. KB Swing (20-30 R)
2. KB Split Squat/Bulgarian Split Squat (10-15 R/leg)
3. KB Push Ups (10-15 R)
4. KB Reverse Lunge, Rotate (10-15 R/leg)
5. KB Clams (20 R)
6. KB Hip Raise on feet or ball (20 R)
7. KB Russian Twist (15 R)
8. KB 1-Leg Deadlift (15-20 R/leg)
9. KB Plank Rows (10-15 R/arm)
10. KB Halos (10 R/each way)
Repeat twice
When performing an exercise with the kettle bells how many reps are you supposed to do each exercise?
Hi picklednut
I haven't got any DVDs and have devised my own routine which so far has kept me in trim. I just did some research and posted my ideas in this thread. I got some helpful suggestions from kron and others too.
Does anyone have suggestions for some thigh work?
Thanks to everyone on the thread. Kron / Martin D you're so knowledgeable!
I contacted Aldi too and was told the same thing they're not getting any as they've cancelled the order. I've ordered a 5kg kb from Tesco Direct today. It cost me £6.66 and gets delivered to my local store tomorrow for me to pick up.
I'm definitely wanting to lose weight and tone up. I think my main three areas I want to work on is:
1) Bingo Wings
2) My lower tummy which is a bit podgy
3) Legs (especially thighs).
I know you can't spot reduce but which kb exercises are best for targeting the three areas above?
Have a good weekend everyone and happy swinging.
It isn't cheap but Costco do a set of 3 metal kettlebells for £35 at the moment. These are the ones I have and they look similar to the kettleworx ones (set comprises of a 4kg, 7kg and a 9kg bell).