Hi all
I have just dragged myself out of bed, feeling a bit rough so just requested a day off from work, hope it gets authorised!
The Tesco bells that gettingfit has posted are good, very compact, good wide handle and a good price! You can order them through Tesco Direct for pick up at your local store
Aymz the bells are strength based conditioning, this works by tightening your muscles, improving posture etc creating a great inch loss. It is difficult to say what results you will see in what timeframe. i started seeing toning within a couple of weeks and results posted from the lovely swingers on here are proof that swinging does melt the inches

Diet is the key to weight loss, altho exercise will help

It is like starting again when you go up in weight lol but after a couple of tries you quickly get the hang of it. Nearly done the programme now, ready for Round 2?
Bostik are you up really late or really early, i just noticed the times of your posts!!! Core gets us all, even at week 6 i would forget there were 3 sets to core lol
Sue I remember Tiswas, and the dying fly lol
mrsmacca as Sue has said it is a dvd set. there are a number of dvds for kettlebells available, some better than others. It was Kettleworx that introduced me to the magic of the bells, and the amount of times the it has been used it works out very good value for money
I managed to get a 10 min swing in yesterday (my boss has just approved my day off

) so if up to it later I might give that step swing another go!!!