Hi All
Sue great result, really happy for you

Your going to have to go shopping again soon!
Have fun with your 10, and your mini break with fast fat burn. Are you planning on doing Rd 5 with it?
Trimlee hope you get to grips with your 7.5, keep reps low if needed, it will come.
Claire30 kettlebells are fantastic, so get swinging and let us know how you get on, its always good to hear about other dvds, as it may be of interest for others. I havent done that one, but the reviews are good
Good to see everyone ticking off another week
Core Wk 4 for me today, I joined in with Mr K, and yesterday I completed 12 min Lauren Brookes and a core from Katami and could feel it today
It is our 13th anniversary since we met (aaawwwhh) and we went out for a very upmarket meal last night, which was so delish it had to be really really bad for you, but as it only happens once a year... I will not be fussing about any well gotten gains lol
Hope everyone is well, and sorry if I have missed anything, but I think things will be getting back to normal for me so hope to keep up next week x