I'd love to join you swingers again!
Bit of history - I started using KBs at the same time as starting slimming world 2 and a half years ago. Lost 4stone and changed my shape completely. Felt amazing for someone who had been your typical anti exercise couch potato! I credit much of that to kettlebells and Ryan
Things went belly up when I developed a growth in my neck that meant I could no longer raise my arms above my head without choking. Weight piled back on and no Ryan for 10 months. The good news is I have had the growth removed and will soon be able to join you again. Am actually quite excited!
Plan to increase my fitness levels with some brisk walks and the odd aerobic session until I get all clear from consultant.
Notes to self - take measurements now and keep them in a memorable place (you can tell where I have gone wrong in the past

Get up half an hour early every day to exercise
Start with 4kg bell and focus on good form
Really looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all. Talk of corn rowers makes me shudder already - not one of my favourites!
Now where's that tape measure????