How come everyone else managed to post yesterday with minimins feeling poorly lol i managed to log on, then gave up!
wow lots of things happening
Rissole you got the kettlercise DVD, did you have a go yet?
Sue those side elevators are not nice! Glad to hear your getting on with your 7.5 and aiming to use it for the rest of your core workouts, hope you have a go with it on some of cardio and resistance
Gettingfit flying off tomorrow! Bet you cant wait. Hope you gave yourself a little break from swinging so your not too tired when hubby gets home
Claire loving the pink bell, I have red, yellow, purple and blue, a pink would fit in nicely, but not sure I am ready for a 12 yet lol
Sweet I really dont like doing the bells in the morning, I find it quite a struggle as not eaten since the night before so it may have something to do with you having more food energy from eating during the day
Donzy that is a good price for a 7.5

poor postman lol. Glad you enjoyed week 4 resistance and got on with the new moves
girlandthe sea great news you got your bell. Each session will vary in amount of calories you burn, cardio will be higher than core for example. I would keep your points low, as you dont want to eat all the good work your putting in!
Hi shellie I cannot comment on how many inches I lost in the first 6 weeks, I never thought about doing measurements, there was shrinkage and body shaping which is why i continued with the bells. I continued to lose weight, but some people can experience a sts or small gain in the first couple of weeks, but it normally drops again soon after
Biggy work can get in the way of swinging some days, not so much the time moreso the effort after a hard day when the couch is beckoning lol Its good to hear you can get yourself motivated because as you say, you do feel so much better afterwards, and those inches, toning are not going to happen without some effort
Bugs you are doing so well starting the bells when starting your PGCE and all the travelling, esp as you have had a nice long break from it all. Dont worry about any aches, its only the bells finding muscles you never knew existed. Glad you got week 2 core done, and hope you have a great time when oh gets home