Sofartogo great to hear from you

how did you find week 5 after your break, can't believe it's been 7 weeks! You go with your 6, keep swinging it works
Sue smiling after week 1 core, that's a first lol no more cursing at Ryan during the planks
Biggy your 7.5 showing good results

I am sure by the end of round 2 you will see a lot more difference, and when you get your 10 and throw that in you will be as addicted as me lol
Sue smiling after week 1 cardio, that's a first lol and no cursing at Ryan doing planks

my right side is definitely my stronger moreso in my arms as can manage pistols (1 leg squat!) evenly. I figured I could do 6 half get ups in the timeframe
Hi fatnomore welcome, great you have a class to go to, shame it's only once a week, but now you can swing at home too
Hi Bugs how are you? Memories... Lol I still remember that feeling when I first started
Vixs glad to hear you did core tonight, push through the first week, it starts to get better, your muscles are just freaking out at the mo lol
Donzy any results to share

Great you started round 2 and for getting that one out of the way lol
Toola hope postman comes soon, and don't park your car to far away from the shop when you pick up your bell lol