Hi all

Loads to catch up on!
Yeah Jess I knew it would be here super quick
Mama if your 10 is too much for your back doing the rowers, drop down until you strengthen your core a bit more
She is such a b*tch off set, you needn't worry about her! Lol
Susie great to hear you got it done

now you can rearrange your house lol
Climbers are tough, I couldn't do them and hated them! great cardio move once you get the hang of it
Joanne yes it's a six week programme, it will have moves from the first set, some will have little tweaks to up the game. Sounds like the 'reach up and grab a coconut bring it down to crack on your knee' move, I thought that was in set 1, but poss not
Chick hope your able to recoup this weekend. I hate the winter dark days and long nights it is well worth sleeping through lol
Chelsea haha you sound like your good at nagging if it got yourself motivated
Biggy i cannot wait to see the next progress pics
Sue Mr K is similar, broke his toe from falling down the stairs practising a Kung Foo Panda hold! Why on the stairs?? Will he be off work long?
Thigh blasters! I said I would do an album for these, and that was a long time ago! I do have some, but need a few more, so will get it done
Basically squats and lunges with good form, and using your butt and thigh muscles to move you, with a good old pelvic squeeze and tilt at the top for icing on the cake

this can be incorporated into a lot of existing moves i.e. Swings, get a pelvic squeeze and tilt, clench butt and thighs at the top of the move. Make sure you stretch well after any serious tilting and squeezing