Chelsea Lou
Gold Member
Hi Chick, sorry you haven't been in the zone but I am not surprised with a new baby to look after....awwwwww. You'll be swinging again soon enoughHi everyone,
I haven't posted for a while but have been reading and sounds like you are all swinging away, well done
I havent picked up a kettlebell in 2 weeks! Have just been shattered and not in the zone at all!! Got a new pup last week and he's been taking up a good bit of my time, having to carry him up and down the stairs hourly for the toilet so at least it's some exercise!!!
Weather here is mental which hasn't helped as I just want to hibernate, got a day off work because of high winds
Happy swinging folks and I'll get back to it soon, promise!!
PS Our I.T. help desk is in Scotland and they have had to shut the office as of about 30 minutes ago, so things must be pretty hairy, as they look after 60,000 people nationwide!!!
Didn't want to read and run hun, but I think there are more qualified peeps to help you on this one. I will just say though that I have started with a 10lb bell and my daughter a 5lb one and I thought I would benefit more from the heavier one......not true. The difference in her (and she is a week behind me) is staggeringMorning everyone - not that its a good one here in Leeds, wet, very windy and oh my boilers packed up - no heating or hot water.... excellent. Hopefully help is on its way!!
Having bit of a dilemma re kettlebells and wonder if anyone could guide me (I'm guessing you probably can lol).. did my first Kettlebell workout couple days ago. Have got Iron Core Workout Dvd Sarah Lurie volume 1. Enjoyed it but didnt really ache much and reading posts on here a lot of people seem to really feel it and that its quite challenging. I think i've made a boob in purchasing a bell that is too heavy for me to start with and I'm pretty sure I wasnt doing the exercises correctly, in fact some of them I could hardly lift the darn thing. I got a 6kg bell-fool that I am - I think I must have thought it was a 6lb bell. 6kgs equates to over 13lbs (OMG) which is a lot for a first timer I feel, also my upper body strength is pants.
Although I wasnt sure about the the kettleworx programme before I am inspired to purchase it after reading more on here.
I defo need to start with a smaller bell - Im debating over 2 choices ...... should I buy the kettleworx ultra programme at £80 with a 5lb bell.....or go for the Kettlercise Just for Women 2 DVD with 2kg (just over 4lbs) bell at £35... Obviously the second one is much cheaper and Ive already got the Iron core dvd and a 6kg bell I could work up to or do I say SOD IT and purchase the kettleworx ultra. Im kinda split both ways (well I will be if I try using that 6kg bell again haha) It makes financial sense to go for the Kettlercise option at £35 - bearing in mind I already have one dvd and one bell but I also fancy that kettleworx (just not the price).
I'd welcome peoples opinions especially if they've tried both Kettlercise for Women DVD and Kettleworx
Im not gonna swing again till I get a smaller bell - I've hurt front of my forearms -dont think thats meant to happen - and its the only place I dont need to tone up lol
Thanks everyone x
I would recommend the kettleworx programme though. I have watched a few of the others on Youtube and didn't like them as much.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
Over to Kron/Donzy et al.