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6lb Down and an inch off the waist. very happy bunny! xxxxx
weddingbelle said:6lb Down and an inch off the waist. very happy bunny! xxxxx
weddingbelle said:Not great. extremely lethargic got a cold and my glands are uphopefully its not down to the diet though. How about u? xxx
weddingbelle said:I've heard that it takes a good 4 weeks to start really noticing a difference so just keep going. you're nearly half way there already xx
weddingbelle said:Im good thanks hunni! Could really do with a stone off by 19th of oct so think im gonna ss this week. Eek! Not doing too well with the water tho. I hate having to force it down grr. Hope youve had a good day and good luck for tomorrow xxxx
weddingbelle said:That sounds like a good idea to me hunni. You still lose with the next stage too and there's so much more choice. This diet is certainly a boring one but pleeeeease don't give up or you will lose 2 weeks of bloody hard work!! See what your cdc says at your weigh in. I'm gonna be skinny(er) by xmas and you're coming with me lol xxxx
weddingbelle said:how fantastic you could've lost a stone by week 3!!!! I'm so glad you got a decent loss and keep up the good work!!!! Nothing good planned as usual its another nightshift. Roll on my weekend off next week. I may have to go out and drink vodka and diet coke (to stay in ketosis). Scary thought. Are you afraid to eat now? I am which can only be a good thing at this stage of the process xx
weddingbelle said:I have asked about alcohol and I need to come out of ketosis before I can drink which I shouldnt do at all but I need to let my hair down as have had a rough week! Stupidly had a sausage and egg mcmuffin yesterday for brekkie but luckily still in ketosis today...phew! I'm not risking that again! xxx
weddingbelle said:How did the circuit training dvd go? Did you have enough energy for it?? My day was ok yesterday. i'm in between nightshifts so slept today away again! I have a whole 6 days off after tonight woohooo. i'm hoping for 3 to 4 pounds off this week to bring my motivation back. xxxxxx
weddingbelle said:Hi hunni how are you getting on this week? I lost 3lb at my weigh in but had a weekend off so imagine it's all gone back on. just had some chicken and leeks before work with some cayenne chicken pepper. was yummy! xxx
weddingbelle said:How u getting on with the atkins lovely?? xx