Self confidence, body conscious, sex and a lot of other rambles!

Ditto=so glad to hear it went well
Well, so i met him on Tuesday, he said about going for a drink or something again soon. Seemed like it went well but its now Sunday and i havent heard from him since Thursday so maybe hes changed his mind! He may just have been busy though i suppose, we shall see i guess. Men!
Hey hun! I know you've met up with him now, and if he doesn't call you, it's HIS loss, but here's something to bear in mind for the future when you get nervous about meeting guys through the net.

I met my current sweetie through the internet. We used to game together, and I thought he was really cute from his pictures, and a really nice guy. We got talking and used to be up til 4am for the whole of the first week (I had a week off work for my birthday!) and things eventually developed. Before we met up, I was really really worried because hey, I'm a chubby girl. I'm not obese, but I'm overweight, and I was really worried he wouldn't like me at all, so I kept postponing it.

When we eventually did meet up, he was absolutely lovely, and he thought I was actually going to be a lot bigger because I'd made such a fuss of being chubby.

Basically, we missed out on meeting up 3 months earlier because of my insecurity!

Bite the bullet! And, if it goes wrong, so what! You never have to see him again!
Mince youre right, i know you are. And i tell myself that all the time but i still can never make myself bite the bullet! Well I say never, ive managed to a couple of times and first one went well but nothing came from it but we're friends. And this one... well who knows. I still havent had a text back from him so really dont know whether to read that as hes busy or not interested. Theres been quite a few times when its like this, quiet for a few days, even a week or so. Hes generally pretty busy so i dont know. I probably shouldnt text again really, have sent 2 or 3 since over the weekend so will leave it now or at least wait until the end of the week.
Do not text him again! It may sound harsh, but when he wants to text you, he will, and if it takes him this long to text you back then he's really not worth your effort, you WILL find a bloke who expresses interest and is willing to chase YOU because you're bloody well worth it! But also bear in mind, some blokes are rubbish at texting. I had my best mate on msn to me in tears because her fiance took a whole day to text her back when he was away with work, within two hours of her ranting and stressing at me (yes, it was a long convo!) he rang her and she felt like a right muppet. Some blokes just are rubbish at communication.
I met my feller on line. It took my a while to meet hime. I had come out of a marriage break-up and was slim for the first and only time in my life, but my confidence was an all time low. He had told me he was worried about his size. When we eventiually met, I was a bit shocked as to how big he was. He was 21 stone, fairly big. By that time I already really liked him. And I have to say fancied him enough to make that first meeting memorable!! Nudge nudge wink wink. Sounds really bad, and it is embarrassing. Wouldn't admit that to just anyone. Four years later, we are madly in love. I have put on 3 stone, and hate it!! He has lost about the same, notb because I want it, but because of poorly knees. We still fancy each other. It is now the other way round though. Think he is fairly confident that I fancy him, and I can't work out what he sees in me when I look in the mirror. But so so glad I worked up the courage.
Mince... thats what i keep trying to work out. Is it because he's rubbish at texting, which he is. Or because he aint interested. The weekends are generally choca block for him, rushing from one thing to another so weekends are quiet on the text front anyway. And i know these weekend he was away for the day too so a lot of driving. He did text me late last night hed only just got back from work about 6 hours later than normal. Though hasn't yet replied to my reply. So yeah, still none the wiser really.

Mumtheshopper, so glad that it worked out for you guys. Is nice to here good stories about it all :)