I can't believe how I associate with your comments, txgardenia. I've always had a weight problem, but have always been told I 'have a great face, and would be so much better if only I could lose the weight' - you could be a model!. Well, over the years I've lost the weight, only to attract comments from men. One time, I was walking to the bus stop and some bloke from across the road commented loud enough for me to hear "look at the tits on her", I went home, feeling sick and cried and thats when the binging began and 3 stone later ..... Another diet, another comment from a bloke in work on a night out "oh yea I recognise you, you walk past with your arse and tits sticking out, hoping we'll look at you". Sniggers all around, I left, cried my way home, started binging. I can promise you, I have never worn tight clothes or stuck anything out. In fact I've always hidden away in loose clothing! Unfortunately I do have large boobs, which have been commented on since schooldays (unhappy thoughts of a 14 year old me boiling in a cardigan in the middle of summer). Now im 15 stone and have to deal with comments like "hey fatty lady" from a couple of teenage boys. It never ends. I'm still trying to work out my thoughts and feelings and realise this has been going on for 27 years! Thanks for a thought provoking threat, you got me thinking........