Wow! Well done everyone! Some great losses this week!
I went to a gig last night - to see Bullet for my Valentine! Oh I'm in sooooooo much pain I've had to take the day off work. You would think at my age, I would know better! But no, jumping around like an absolute loon for 4 hours is not a very good idea. I have a bad neck, bad back, my head hurts, my ears are still ringing and I can't hear a damn thing! Plus I am cut, bruised and almost broke my ankle and my elbow so they ache too!! But, it was an AMAZING gig! Had such fun, we were so hot in the crowd, moshing and such like that we all ended up half stripping off outside and I had men in cars beeping at me and stopping to try and chat me up! (Not that I could hear a damn thing any of them were saying!) So there we were, my cousin in her underwear and tights and me and my friend in tiny vests and jeans, and I realised: "who needs alcohol to have fun anyway!"
I may feel like an 80 year old right now, but I'm still grinning like a Cheshire Cat!
B x