Fantastic loss Serial So pleased your hard work and determination paid off. How lovely of your son as well I adore the apple crumble and custard packs. Could easily have 3 a day lol. Hope you feel better soon, and here's to another fabulous weight loss week
Oh Jayne, your comments on the apple crumble and custard made my mouth water! And it really is yummy. No coincidence that yet another sweet pack has taken my fancy LOL. I still can't relish the hot meals. Might give that cheesy scone a try soon (ha ha the 'Token Savoury').
I had a lemon bar for breakfast and a hot cross bun bar for lunch. I'm going to try the sweet and sour noodles for dinner. I bought just the one, to try. I can't say I have high hopes but we shall see x
My verdict on the noodles - not bad. A bit sloppy so I stirred-in a teaspoonful of ground golden linseed. Gives it body and adds mostly fibre (which is flushed out) and healthgiving fatty acids and Omega-3s. Great for vegetarians.
It's a nice change from all-sweet packs but I doubt I'll buy more than a few next time. A bit of a triumph actually as most savoury packs will NOT be rejoining my Exante shopping list! x
I quite liked them too, the noodles. I've so many packs I bought on special last month I've no excuse to get the apple crumble. It'll be ages before I buy anymore. Gutted!!!
I feel a lot better than I did recently. It seems to take weeks to properly get over these nasty winter viruses, 'flu and chest infections. I do the best I can to stick to my Exante routine and try not to over-react if I slip. We're emotional wrecks in many ways and very hard on ourselves. If I nibble - I nibble xx
I really liked the noodles to start with, but going off them a little now :-/ I like the chilli packs if I only have one now and again. I still really like the carbonara. Used to love the cottage pie, but am a bit iffy with that all of a sudden. Haven't tried any of the other savoury packs. I definitely have a sweet tooth! Glad you are feeling better overall
Well done Serial, brilliant loss The arrival of spring often brings an improvement to our feelings of well being doesn't it..
Every day I keep saying I am going to try the noodle & the apple crumble & everyday I end up saving them till tomorrow lol. Think I may wait now till I am on my TS month. It will give me something to look forward to x
My son is used to me being size 12 on top and 10 on the bottom. Not that he loves me less because I'm fat. Far from it. It doesn't bother him at all in that sense. But he knows how miserable I am when greatly overweight.
He doesn't entirely approve of VLCDs but he understands how desperate I am to lose this regain. The extra weight adds to my mobility problems and makes me hide indoors like a hermit. I don't feel like 'me', know what I mean? When you are slim for years and suddenly begin to regain you can't get used to it. You don't want to!
Looking forward to my apple crumble and custard dinner x
My hunger got the better of me last night. I couldn't stand it any more. Thankfully there are no real goodies in my house, but I had potatoes and a wee bit of bread left over from my son's visit last week. So... I had two slices of toast. Then - still hungry - I had two small baked potatoes with a bit of butter and some vegetarian Worcester sauce. I'd have preferred a mini-mountain of melted cheese but I held back.
Afterwards I slept like a top!
Today I've been very good, back on-plan. If I lose a pound less this week, so be it x
After a great day yesterday I'm really hungry again. H.U.N.G.R.Y. I cannot face a savoury pack. Only bought one sweet and sour noodles which I did enjoy, probably because of the 'sweet' component. Having said that, I can't face another bar or pudding or pancake.
I'm fed up with packs and bars. There! I said it. The toast and the wee baked potatoes WERE heavenly. The simple, basic fare we all prefer to fancy designer meals.
Holding out for as long as I can but I know I'll have to eat some real food tonight x
Aww, hun! We've all been there! Last time I did Exante I chucked all my remaining packs away because I thought I could never face another ever again!
Here I am again lol! This time I can only do shakes and bars as I had soooo many of the savoury meals before I couldn't stand the sight of smell of them! Lol.
Maybe the break will do u good to get back on to them xx